Family calls cops for help with harassment, cop shoots their dog and complains about the cost of the bullet

Well it has happened in the past, both in our country and in others. And no I am not hopeful for this kind of thing to happen, the thought of it makes me sad because I have seen firsthand how this kind of thing can tear a society apart.

Are you hopeful for something like this to happen? If so, why?

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I suspect they will be able to sue the department given that no one will actually consider a Rat Terrier as an actual threat.


I would definitely complain about the cost of keeping such a useless cop.


In some circles, “Hide your dog.” is both a common knowledge and a common “joke” if summoning the police.


What the fuck is wrong with these shitbags? How cruel, how fearful can someone be? A little dog was, what? Scaring him? Annoying him?!


You’re talking about street gangs, right? The Cosa Nostra and Tongs both thrive when the police decline to serve those ethnicities.


You mean like Mad Max? Or more like a rise of vigilantism? Or more likely…

As much as we need to hold the current system of policing accountable and strive for a better police force, the system your are suggesting is just ripe for LESS accountability and WAAAAAAAYYY more opportunity for authority to be thrown around with even LESS oversight.


Well that is who they’re for.


Grammar/spelling in that police report is bad, does not sound professional or intelligent:

One of the most self-destructive memes infecting the progressive community…

Unless when you say “with money” you actually mean “with enough money to have an armed squad of private goons standing by while the police are on site”. Those are the only people who can safely call the cops, ever.

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Zed had one in Pulp Fiction.

Why, just the other day I was thinking about ole’ Andy and enjoying a Big Orange …

Same way someone can restrain themselves when a cop murders the father of her four-year-old daughter in front of her.

Not wanting the cop to murder the rest of your family is a surprisingly powerful motivator.


I think at the very minimum, the community should play the Super Troopers cat game on him, but with dog-style exclamations rather than “meow”. Drive him nuts by degrees.

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I don’t think corrosion is an issue given how fast the police seem to be discharging their loads these days.


I was in a park with an admittedly illegally unleashed dog. A policeman was in the park responding to some kind of minor incident not involving me. My dog barked at the policeman. Didn’t lunge at him, didn’t threaten him in any way. Only barked in the policeman’s general direction. Policeman told me he would “take care” of my dog if I didn’t bring him to heel. The dog in question was a ridiculously overweight fourteen year old dachshund. I just picked up old fatty and went home.


This just in: Rat Bastard Shoots and Kills Rat Terrier.

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With no insult to you, I presume you watch a lot of cop shows on TV and think you can “shoot to wound” or the ones that make the bad guy look “badder”…"His gun was loaded with hollow points!!, followed by a gasp from the courtroom??

The purpose of shooting something is to make that thing stop doing something before it does it to you or someone else. (I am not speaking of this particular instance, just the use of deadly force in general.)

Thus you want to use the most effective thing possible, which would be hollow point bullets. They tend to transfer more energy into their target rather than pass right on through and then maybe the wall behind the bad guy and the family huddled behind that wall.

They also ricochet less and are less able to penetrate armor (this last is not a benefit per se but people always seem to think “armor piercing/“cop killer”” bullets are some sort of black magic juju. Almost any rifle bullet you can find will penetrate any body armor you can reasonably carry.)

The reason to shoot someone doing something life-threatening is to make them stop. You cannot shoot someone “just a little” or they just might make you stop, forever. The bad guy will not stop, throw up his hands and say “By George, Sir, you have wounded me fair and square, I surrender”.

Again, none of this is meant to apply to the situation being discussed but is a general summary of why one would choose hollow point bullets.

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