Fantastic Four director slams his own movie

I’m trying to hold out for the English dubs, simply because I like Mary Elizabeth McGlynn’s performances better and because I don’t want to be distracted by the subs. But now I’m being a whiny baby I guess. I’ll have to watch it soon, before I have my cyberpunk card confiscated.

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McGlynn is good, but Atsuko Tanaka has been my fave Kusanagi by far. I miss her not being in Arise, but am happy I still get to hear her in other things.

If I could get any GITS anime adaptation now, I’d love to see somebody earnestly try to do Man-Machine Interface.


THAT. After so many years I don’t understand why nobody has used yet those stories for a new season.

I had to view each story arc twice to understand what the hell was going on. Even the most skilful subbers cant stop GITS’ text wall tsunamis.

I recommend you a good dose of Psycho-Pass.


I tried watching it but… it’s difficult to withstand the barrage of bad psychology. Adults don’t become psychopaths. That happens much earlier in development. And it’s not like a human brain is so inflexible that single traumatic events will forever turn you murderous. Especially not as an adult. Sure there’s PTSD, but there’s a large amount of work going into treatment.

I know cyberpunk is all about how humans are disposable and so on, but… Fuck man, it’s hard for me to stomach how they try to depict “futuristic” psychology as little more than Freudian Psychoanalysis.

I’ll try another go at it though. Maybe it’ll be better the second time around.


I posted more only as a collection of the rumors around the film, not as the end all be all truth.

What bugs me are the tropes about how either there literally is no concept of therapy, that psychology as structured support form is somehow evil or ineffective since the guy’s just going to start killing again, that it’s flat out brainwashing, or that it reinforces the already existing perception that those that go are lesser people.

That’s what bugs me. There’s other stuff, but that’s a general ‘I hate how this is a thing in fiction.’ It’s not just cyberpunk that does that but the whole bad psychology thing kinda brought that nugget of irritation to mind.

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Let’s be honest, I’ll probably forget next time too.


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