Continuing the discussion from The Tweed Crew 2: Need 4 Twee'd
(and further Harrisment):
Since no one else is doing so:
I’ve been trying to become more fashionable of late.
I’ve got my hair cut shorter, and make the effort to style it every day.
My work is business casual, but I’ve decided to kick it up a notch. I’ve switched to golf shirts to button-down shirts, and I’m ordering shirts online that should actually fit (instead of being designed for someone with a neck the size of my wrist, an arm as long as my leg, and a bodybuilder’s chest).
They say that you should dress for the job you want, but there’s no particular job I want, and since I’m in I.T., I doubt that any job I’d like (I’m not cut out for management) would require me to dress in anything more formal than a golf shirt.
Instead of dressing for the job I want, I’m dressing in the way that makes me feel the most confident. I think I look best in a collared shirt and tie, so that’s going to be my look, once I have collars that close without risking auto-asphyxiation. In the meantime, I’m wearing the shirt unbuttoned to the second button, with a white undershirt.
Now, I just need to figure out how to complete the look.
I have slacks from my golf-shirt days, but I don’t know if I should stick with the style I have (they don’t wrinkle, but they won’t hold a crease either), or go more formal (sharp creases), or more casual (khakis).
And I’m completely lost when it comes to completing the look with a jacket/overcoat/peacoat. My current jacket is leather, which meshed well enough with the golf shirts, but I’m finding I crave a more formal look. I just worry about carrying the look too far.
In short, I want to radiate classy, without going so far as to hit smug/superior/snobbish, and I’m having trouble hitting that mark.
If anyone has suggestions, I’d be most grateful.