Fast food executive complains that social media inflates young people's "self-importance," killing their willingness to work for free

That is consistent with what she is saying. If people were offering to work for free to get in the door then they must have been desperate for a job. It is sad that she thinks this is a good situation though.

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That’s an odd choice of block quote. In a sea of entitled nonsense, that bit is the tiny little drop of “well, yeah”.

Depends on your viewpoint. Since I was living in the Gulf at the time, I tend to count the first Gulf War as the one between Iran and Iraq. The mines drifting onto the beaches, the US navy shooting down the occasional civilian airliner, and the US support for Saddam Hussein must have had something to do with it.

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In Ontario Canada it’s 6 month from point of origin for wage workers to file otherwise its tough luck. Example, employee hired as seasonal work during Christmas works 60hr/wk mid Nov-Dec 23rd but not paid over time. Worker(s) have till June 22nd to file for loss of wages or its lost forever with no recourse. If hired through a temp agency expect no sympathy from the recruiter.

Severance use to be 1 week pay per year worked for employer on termination. Now it doesn’t matter how long they work, new law only 2 weeks severance pay is mandatory regardless of length of employment.

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Clearly she was subverting company standards.

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Thanks, but that NYT story is behind a paywall. Here’s a story with video of DiFi lecturing the kids who are begging her to save their future:


The Wonderful™ thing about capitalism is that these executives don’t have to hire these self-entitled millennials. They can just interview more candidates until someone is willing to work for the wage they’re offering. Unless (gasp) the Invisible Hand® of the free market is pushing wages higher because of record unemployment? No, no it’s the children who are wrong. /s


Well, that’s Socialism for ya. Here in the good ol’ USofA there is no requirement for severance. Just the way God and Ronald Reagan intended. /s


Wait, you’re saying that’s two separate entities?!



Either that, or two parts of the trinity. (/snark)


I’ve never broken a storefront window before, but I’d make a special exception for Muffin Break.


Seriously. You can’t be under qualified for an internship. That’s what it’s there for - to build qualifications.


Just a reminder that their god is Mammon

Warning to Rich Oppressors

5 Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.

James 5:1-6


My daughters forst job was McDonalds. She HATED it. Lasted two weeks. The pay was crap and she loathed the work.

Second job was Old Navy. She hated that too but this time the pay was decent.


That’s Capitalism for ya.

Capitalism makes HAL 9000 seem empathic and wise.


McDonald’s, first job, first firing. I was told I wasn’t a team player.

My second job I lasted a few years, and moved up a couple ranks. I had my enemies, but at least I was treated like I had a brain.


And, if you work for a company of less than 50 employees, most of the regulations don’t apply to you anyway. Too burdensome on your employer.


Well, that’s nice. You mean before that you made me waste my time applying without knowing what you’re prepared to pay?

But I thought you said it wasn’t negotiable. But there is actually room to negotiate. So you were lying? Ok, cool.

But you said there is only a limited budget, so why would they think ‘showing what they are worth’ would make a difference? I mean, you just said you’re only looking for a junior-level minion?

Oh, of course, you were lying about the pay before and now you’re lying about the promotion opportunities.


So a capitalist is complaining about employees behaving like capitalists?