Hear Hear, I used protection my first time, too, and it was because of sex-ed combined with trying to get my little mittens on anything I could that dealt with sex, often from progressive magazines/radio. I fancied myself a deviant and libertine. I read so much twisted stuff; things which normalized emotionally wraught sexual relationships- Henry Miller alone in my room because my parents were so strict I wasn’t allowed to watch shows like Roseanne (bad language and they talked about sex). So I never got an education on emotionally healthy sexuality, or much lbqttgia info, but I knew about the latex and used it. My little sister was just enough years behind me that the Clintons were gone and the Bushes were in and sex ed had gone from ‘OMG even looking at a drop of sex-residue WEEKS LATER will give you diseases and death !!1!’ to ‘You start out pure, like this tissue, but every time you have sex, you get more and more used up; now who wants a used kleenex?’ and all those little freaks chanced it their first time.
Your rights as a parent to direct your child’s upbringing end somewhere short of them getting blindsided by dangers that cause irreversible harm - or letting them cause such harm to others. To that degree, yes, society (of which I am a part) does get to tell you how to raise your kids. You are free to try to convince society of your viewpoint, of course, but your children also have rights that sometimes trump yours.
Actually, they do not, and you can opt out. I sent mine to private school, and that ended the question entirely.
I understand that there are people around who are extreme in their views, and that their children may be educated in ways they may not approve of. Believe me - they tend to do the same as I did (though I actually did it for academic reasons). Private schools, or home schooling simply replaces public school. It’s not even a socio-economically limited thing people with more money do. I live in a community now where most kids - even the poorest - go to catholic school, and you can bet THEY aren’t getting the material being discussed here.
Bottom line - no. You still don’t get to dictate what other people’s children will learn when, nor should you. There will always be idiots on the planet who do harm one way or another, but you are not so all-seeing or all-knowing that you get to decide for them. The sheer hubris of that position just about blows my mind.
My mind was also blown. I totally agree.
Title should read
Father unhappy that child is now physically sexually mature and would rather not be reminded by a sex-ed poster.
As a parent of two kids who won’t be getting their sex ed (in school, at least) for a good few years, I fully approve of this list - these are, in fact, ways that people express their sexual feelings. It’s not a list of the ways that everybody SHOULD express their sexual feelings - everybody is different, obviously.
Pretending like 13 year-olds have never heard of anal sex, and that this list is going to cause them to go out and try it out of the blue? That’s just silly talk. 13 year-olds know what anal sex is. If they haven’t seen it in the abundant, freely available porn on the internet, they have a friend who has, and that friend has described it in intricate detail. And that’s something that I think is more problematic than teaching them sex ed in school - somebody needs to be teaching them that porn sex does not equal real world sex. Yes, some people do enjoy many of the things you see in porn films, but the typical, woman-degrading porn that is so prevalent these days is not exactly what you want a generation of children growing up to think is normal, everyday sex. And when my two kids reach an age where I think it’s appropriate to teach them about that, I fully intend to have that conversation with them. Pretending like it doesn’t exist and that they’ll never be exposed to it is just going to make the problem worse.
Except that your kids aren’t really yours, you know?
Didn’t the Westboro Baptist Church already claim this slogan?
Assuming you’re not being facetious here, based on your anti-anal-sex arguments earlier in the thread… One could make the same argument about syphilis, or gonorrhea, or HPV, or any of the other “stick a pee-pee in a vee-vee and catch it” STIs. If you WERE being facetious, my apologies.
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