Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/04/fauci-said-yes-right-on-the-spot-to-biden.html
Sounds like a proposal story, but given how badly we need intelligent adults working on a solution ASAP, I’ll skip making the usual jokes.
The role of Anthony Fauci will be portrayed by Renee Zellweger.
I recognized Michael Olsterholm’s name from Biden’s picks for his Covid team, and he is a good choice as well.
Hopefully Fauci will receive PTSD therapy for everything he’s had to put up with. And some anti-taint medication.
Next, tell Barr to go find other work come January and hire back everyone who resigned because of his policies.
Dr. Fauci deserves a month-long, all-expenses paid vacation to anywhere he wants before continuing the job with Biden, though he probably wouldn’t take it. He has put up with absolute hell for the last year, and done it with an equanimity that’s staggering. If you’ve ever wondered what the word “service” truly means, look no further than this man.
“You had me at ‘President-Elect Joe Biden.’”
First picture I’ve seen of Fauci smiling smiling in a long time. God it must feel good to have that slug brain trump fading away. Getting rid of trump is like finally getting a festering splinter pulled out of your hand, relief at last.
Well, perhaps we shall see (and get!) some sense out of the Covid situation at last. Fauci strikes me as having infinite patience and diplomacy and seems like a decent bloke. He obviously needed to draw, in depth, on great personal resources recently, having to deal with that crackpot, orange, pig-ignorant buffoon, who thought he knew everything but, in reality, knowledge was severely lacking, if not totally non-existent. Distinct lack of social graces, also.
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