Fifteenth foot/shoe washes ashore


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There has to be another one coming soon, because how could somebody have fifteen feet? It’s an odd number!

The news story is careful to note that the feet weren’t deliberately severed, but they floated to the surface after natural decomposition eroded the joint. The shoe is buoyant enough to float the body part to shore. (and there may be many other such feet out there that no one bothered to look inside for)

Which I guess should be reassuring, except I now must presume that the rest of the bodies have been weighted down enough to stay put. Puget Sound has become a dump for murder victims just like the storied East River.

That was always what I wondered. I live in the region, and this news hardly even hits the headlines here.

Someone told me recently that the PNW has an inordinately high number of serial killers. I don’t know if that’s true or not, though.

Says the ethical cannibal…


Hmmm. Well this is awkward.


The shoe is buoyant enough to float the body part to shore.

Good point. Murderers take note: take off that sneaker before dumping the body…

Look at that New Balance. Someone is killing grandads. Unmissed grandads, lured from the home with the promise of high-waist jeans and butterscotch candies.

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Cement overshoes. The Mafia figured that out a long time ago.

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Thanks for that explanation - every time I’ve seen these reports I always assumed it was someone just dismembering people and just dumping their feet for the lulz.

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