First cannabis cafe in the US opens today

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People smoking while I’m eating? That’s not for me.


This is being heavily discussed here in Massachusetts as well, because while marijuana is legal to buy recreationally, you’re not supposed to smoke it out on the street, while driving, or in any establishments – so you can only smoke it indoors at home; if your landlord doesn’t allow smoking, then you’re stuck with edibles/vaping. Legal and medical users of the stuff have been asking for a safe, legal space to smoke in.

The problem is, opening a cafe runs afoul of existing anti-smoking laws. So they’re looking at an Amsterdam-style ‘coffeehouse’ system that’d be a smoking salon with limited-to-no food service, all BYOB.


Before 2015 I drank frequently and smoked cannabis infrequently. But that frequent drinking started to take a noticeable toll on my health. So now I drink rarely and consume cannabis very frequently. The switch has been great except for one thing. I really miss the social aspects of drinking. Both going out with friends and going out alone and meeting new people.

I do understand that many people don’t want smoke/vapor around when they are eating but would love to see this at a few specialty cafes here in Seattle where anyone that is there is there to smoke. Regular restaurants should stay smoke free as they are, IMO.

ETA: This year I sold my home and moved into an apartment building. One fifth of the lease contract is about cannabis. If I own any cannabis accessories (and get caught) I will be evicted. Possess any form of cannabis (flower, oil, edibles, cream) on site (and get caught) I will be evicted. There are just pages and pages and pages of legalese covering every possible scenario. Even if you are a medical user with all of the proper paperwork, you can request they consider an exemption but they give no assurance that after you out yourself to them that they won’t just say no and then evict you. Of course none of this was mentioned until I was practically moved in and had paid all the deposits and fees and so on.

Their excuse is that they follow the stricter federal guidelines. But even if cannabis was made legal federally, there are still more pages in the contract about smoking of any substance being grounds for eviction but at least it sounds like they would chill about edibles which has been my go to recently.


If they do evict you here in Washington, I think you have a decent chance with civil suit. Housing is regulated by the state, and it’s not illegal to have pot in your housing.

As long as you can prove you’ve not damaged the premises, I think state court would find in favor of you.


Why they didn’t call it Smokey McPot Farms is beyond me.


Yeah I had questions about the legality of everything in the contract but of course asking questions would just out me for scrutiny. Frankly I think all of the people that work/manage in my building smoke as well. The contract comes from whatever investing entity owns the building. So in practical terms as long as I am not overt, which I wouldn’t be regardless of any contract stipulations I should be fine. Still, having to sign 26 pages of a contract with so much about cannabis was a surprise after being a home owner for so long.


Bring Your Own Bong?


Where is that Travolta voice generator when you need it?


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Awesome. I’d say any establishment that wants to should be able to allow smoking. There’s way too many busybodies out there who can’t stand the thought of someone else having fun.

Music venues should have a smoking lounge, too.


Well, here we are then. What a long, strange trip it’s been (from my childhood in the 70’s til now).

I still find it somewhat surreal to “go down to the pot store”.


I used to. Now it’s no weirder than buying a six pack.


I often think that Western Civilization exists solely for the purpose of being able to tell other people how not to enjoy life, because being able to deny convenient happiness to others is like heaven to some people.

Funny how almost everyone who claims to love freedom is quick to shut the real deal down as much as possible, because “morality”.


The whole prohibition part II was brought about by Nixon attacking political opposition. Should we consider repealing laws signed by criminal Presidents?


Yup. It don’t get much more hypocritical than that people who claim to support “small government” but think that drugs should be illegal.


I’ll leave the words of Saint Carl here:

“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.”


This cafe is creating a lot of buzz…

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The social aspect is the main thing that excites me about legalisation. Its still completely illegal in Australia but not hard to find and not hard to be discrete. I like the idea of new venues opening up with food, music and all the other stuff bars offer but with weed instead of booze.


Right? We fought long and hard. Finally here.

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This crispy chicken sandwich that complements cannabis…it isn’t by chance actually from Popeye’s, is it?

(They wouldn’t be the first SoCal restaurant to try to re-sell that now-infamous chicken sandwich)

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