First major AI music video divides fans: "creepy" or "artistic leap"?

… maybe there will be another “breakthrough” in another 70 years :thinking:


Yeah. Hitting pause makes it even uglier.


“… never zoom in, there is no detail to see” was the first lesson I learned about “A.I. art” :unamused:


And at the same time, not pausing doesn’t really help either, if you can force your eyeballs to actually look at how people/objects move in the scene (i.e. in ways that make no sense), become distorted over time, etc. The rushed movement of the (virtual) camera serves to distract from… literally everything. It’s a torrent of visual garbage seeking to distract you from the fact that it’s a torrent of visual garbage.

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I do not like the idea of AI and what it means for creatives trying to make a living.

But I also wonder how much of our dislike of this video comes from knowing it’s AI-- what would’ve been our reaction ten years ago before AI became an issue, when we didn’t know it could get this realistic.

Leaving AI aside for a moment I agree the imaging/editing gets tiring (and I think it’s telling that we never get more than brief glances at details like their faces-- perhaps the makers knew it would accentuate the “ick” factor.)


Geez… I’m as repulsed and worried about the implications of all this AI shit as most people, I suspect, but gonna go out on a limb here as say I thought this particular one, taken objectively and isolation, is a little bit lovely :slight_smile:

It helps that the song is nice too (I don’t know the artist, never even watched Portlandia - should I?). Lack of visual detail is not something I have ever considered important in a music video, and actually constant forward propulsion is a fave gimmick of mine, for example several parts of this rocking Stephen Malkmus joint (which, admittedly, has lots more going on too!):

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I hated the opening title sequence of Marvel’s Secret Invasion upon first seeing it; long before I knew they’d used “Ai” to generate it.


When everyone is super…no one is super
The true creatives will find another way to express themselves


I mean, maybe, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a positive good in terms of cultural production. :woman_shrugging: Just taking our personal tastes into account glosses over the larger questions at play, I’d argue. We can even like something aesthetically and still keep these larger concerns in mind. I don’t think it’s an either/or, and I’m a little wary about arguments to the effect (not that your doing that, I’m just saying that’s an issue - using something that some find aesthetically pleasing to justify technologies that disrupts labor markets for cultural production).


I can see a kernel of an idea, but it doesn’t pull it off worth shit.

Hey, hey, Pro tip. Media is more than just cool or interesting visuals. Now if you just got a band on stage singing or walking around while dancers giggle and shake, ok, I guess you’re going for that bare bones “video” to sort of sell the vibe of the artists. But something like this where it appears you’re trying to tell a story or present some sort of context, you need cohesive parts. Like these “characters” - there isn’t any consistency to them. You can’t have any sort of connection with this soulless bullshit. There is an inkling that there is a passage of time, but it’s done in a nonsensical way. Part of me sorta appreciates the dream like melding of the scenes, but while I kinda like the idea, beyond that initial novelty, there is nothing else to it to make it actually interesting.

:confused: Man, fuck this AI bs.


sounds like the kind of thing that will be said in many a C-Suite as execs lay off/refuse to hire writers, animators, musicians, actors…


Bullshit excuses for not giving a damn, in other words.


Who needs thoughtfully produced media? Small price to pay for big bonuses for the real creatives. /s


AI just keeps getting better and better at making bad content!

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‘GIGO’ in action.


The downside is that the wobble-cam effect had me feeling motion sick within 30 seconds. I wasn’t even watching a full screen image.

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Glad I didn’t watch it then, since I have similar issues with shaky camera stuff.

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Depressingly I watched the video and couldn’t have picked out that this was AI generated without being told. It isn’t an outstanding video and I don’t particularly like the song, but you could say the same about tens of thousands of others.

Me neither, I would guess it was based on Poser (or similar) software “characters”, clothed in available costumes, but possibly edited/assembled by AI? Far preferred the song though.


Yeah honestly I’m not sure to what degree the technology is what isn’t working for me here. It’s cool that camera movements that might have been really hard to pull off can be animated so quickly, for instance. That sounds fun to play with if nothing else.

But then I guess when people have to spend a ton of money and hours to make a scene possible they tend to put more thought into it too.

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