First person-to-person transmission of coronavirus in the US

I would be far more interested in data regarding percentage who wind up needing ICU care. In our system, that is the limiting factor. Most hospitals have a hard limit on the number of ventilators available, and that number is easily overwhelmed in a “typical” mass casualty situation. It has been so long since an actual epidemic has been on the radar screen that I doubt anyone could actually give estimates.


And then there is this:

This administration is determined to kill us off. Damn them to hell.


Everything Trump says and does hurts America and the world. The man has absolutely no positive qualities and no redeeming features.


I’ll give him this though. He’s clean.
No viruses, Bacteria, or Germs can get through that makeup and I’ve never seen him sneeze.

He has a redeeming quality. Some day he will die and give the world a new unisex toilet.

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