Originally published at: Flaming bagpipe player rides on unicycle and covers 'Pure Imagination' from Willy Wonka | Boing Boing
I’ve only lived in Scotland for a couple of decades, and I thought I knew all the traditions of Burns Night, but, well, the more you know, eh?
This is 1st Degree Burns’ Night.
Ah yes, tonight is Burns’ night. Better head out to pick up a haggis (Great chieftain o the puddin’ race!)
On second thoughts I’m not Scottish and don’t need to torture myself.
I find each of the key ingredients of a Burns Supper potentially delicious, but the overall composition itself just far too mushy. Haggis? And mashed potato? And mashed turnips? Honestly, are we alergic to chewing in this country, or something?
My general experience is that vegetarian haggis tends to have a slightly stronger flavour, and I love eating it with other things, like as part of a burrito. Or on a burger - yum.
sometimes Portland tries a little too hard to be weird. it’s like, no, we get it, you’re weird. it’s fine.
Score a record deal.
This is something that Portlandia nailed. After the initial impact of the quirkiness, they’d hit you with the slightly sinister, performative aspect of their characters. The ragey cyclist, the cultish poultry farm, the manic crafters. It happens in every city (ok, every fun city), but Portland has made it their “brand”.
I’ll still take it over asshole rednecks any day.
for sure. Reno’s like that, too, these days. In fact my favorite local T-shirt says, “If you love Portland, you’ll kinda like Reno.” haha
Pretty sure almost every state has its Portland-adjacent city: Reno, Austin, etc. Sometimes more than one.
Ah yes, the Unipiper has been a fixture here in PDX for a long time. I cannot think of any other Portland fixture which universally makes people smile.
BTW, his usual attire is a unikilt and a Darth Vader mask and cape.
wow, I literally can’t do any of those things separately. Impressive.
I wonder if his schtick included calling himself Robert Burns.
I couldn’t even get away with wearing that hat!
Tablespoon of drambuie on Haggis… magic! Honestly it’s the only real use I have for drambuie.
That’s awesome.
I’ll second the vote for Veggie Haggis; most toothsome.
They are to “weird”, what Elon is to “comedy”?
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