Floods, Fires, and Heat Domes (the climate change thread)


The sea is rising? The East Coast cities are already sinking.


Normally, I’m upset when Philly is left off the list of major East Coast cities, but…

Over It Shot GIF by Atomic Blonde

Seriously though, I wonder if there have been studies on the combined negative effects of subsidence and earthquakes/fault lines like previous reports about San Diego, CA. :thinking:



In a bulletin issued with two other climate researchers, Hansen states that “the 1.5C global warming ceiling has been passed for all practical purposes because the large planetary energy imbalance assures that global temperature is heading still higher”. Hansen has promoted a view, disputed by some other climate scientists, that the rate of global heating is accelerating due to a widening gap between the amount of energy being absorbed by the Earth from the sun and the amount returning to space.

“Passing through the 1.5C world is a significant milestone because it shows that the story being told by the United Nations, with the acquiescence of its scientific advisory body, the IPCC, is a load of bullshit,” Hansen said.

2023 confirmed as world’s hottest year on record


seriously? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The startup was launched in 2022, but only dispatched its first 20 metric tonnes of ice recently. It has been hit with a wave of criticism which has taken the founders by surprise

jah, well, no, I dont believe that…

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and the new year is just a week old and sst is already considerably over 21° again;

jfc. Im actually getting really nervous right now.


Just now? Welcome to Club WTF, friend. There are reasons I am trying to be able to get by for weeks at a time without viable infrastructure.


no. but this is…highly alarming. of course we knew this would happen, but this is really fast. hansen seems right again, its clearly accelerating.


I’m sure I’ve heard this before; it was in a causerie maybe by Neil Hardwick or perhaps a travel program maybe by Michael Palin I watched decades ago.

I think it’s called a causerie; that’s what Wikipedia says ‘pakina’ is in English.

Prof Andrew Dessler, at Texas A&M University in the US, said the record set in 2023 was not surprising: “Every year for the rest of your life will be one of the hottest [on] record. This in turn means that 2023 will end up being one of the coldest years of this century. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

ok. now Im at least trying to enjoy the current -10°c in berlin. fuck.


“I used to think the bandicoots were wildlife of mass destruction invading my lawn, but now I see that they’ve actually liberated me from ever having to mow it again,” said Murray, who is the proud owner of the inaugural trophy – a commemorative T-shirt. “I’m all for guilt-free weekends, especially since my ex-husband left with the lawnmower back in 2016.”

Arrested Development GIF

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The consequences for Canada could be devastating.

I kept reading through a lot of familiar dire info to read just what those consequences could be, but maybe I missed that part? :confused:

Odd. The one-box has a paragraph that is nowhere in the story itself. :thinking:

If that’s an “AI” summary then it has missed the gist of the article, which was mostly about :canada: getting warmer much faster than elsewhere. The temperature anomaly over much of the north is over +3°C.


Ugh. I guess it’s all too easy to imagine what a lot of the consequences of that will be. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :persevere:


All. Too. Many. Positive. Feedback. Loops.

Sad Doctor Who GIF