Floods, Fires, and Heat Domes (the climate change thread)


… for some reason Copernicus has two different press release sections, with slightly different articles, none of which onebox properly


Chemical analysis of natural CO₂ rise over the last 50,000 years shows that today’s rate is 10 times faster



“To bring these fuels to the scale needed would require massive subsidies, the trade-offs would be unacceptable and would take resources aware from more urgent decarbonization priorities.

“It’s a huge greenwashing exercise by the aviation industry. It’s magical thinking that they will be able to do this.”

…This sustainable fuels target will require an enormous 18,887% increase in production, based on 2022 production levels, this decade, the new report found.

“It’s just not scalable,”

free market, they say?

Fossil fuel companies are forcing governments to compensate them for lost earnings in the transition to a low-carbon global economy, and destroying the world’s ability to counter their harmful activities, former top UN officials have warned.


I think none in this country has the slightest idea how to give houses to half a million people displaced in this event. Some of them, mostly from Porto Alegre, have a house to clean up and refurnish. But for the most, even the houses are gone. Entire neighborhoods will need to be rebuilt, some of them not even in their original locations, but in safer ground, far from the water. It will be costly and will take time.

Porto Alegre city government is studying the construction of a “temporary city”. Basically a refugee camp.


The governor of the state of Rio Grande do Sul said that they will need action similar to the Marshall Plan, which helped reconstruct Europe after the Second World War. Some people on social media remember that before the Marshall Plan, Europe had a big trial at Nuremberg.

Caraca. I think even they don´t do it, people will, unfortunately, resort to slums, as some cities and neighbourhoods were washed away by the floods.


2023 summer warmth unparalleled over the past 2,000 years | Nature

Land temperatures in this section of the Northern Hemisphere were 2.07 degrees Celsius – or about 3.73 degrees Fahrenheit – higher in the summer of 2023 than instrumental averages between 1850 and 1900, researchers discovered after combining measurements from thousands of meteorological stations to analyze the June-through-August surface air temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere’s extra-tropical region, which include 30 to 90 degrees north, according to the study.

“Warmest summer in 2000 years” should get attention, but it won’t. Also, coolest summer of the rest of our lives, so there is that…

Oscar The Grouch Idk GIF by Sesame Street


Fort McMurray Alberta (aka Ft McMoney) is once again threatened by wildfire. Second time in a decade. Seems like maybe they shouldn’t be building cities there, especially since the city’s whole raison d’être (oil sands) is a huge contribution to the problem.


Well, we definitely should prosecute a few politicians responsible for the dismantling of our environmental legislation and specifically speaking of Porto Alegre, for letting the flood prevention system fall in disrepair. It barely worked because if all the pumps and floodgates worked as designed the state capital would remain dry and we would have our airport working. So, both the mayor and the governor, probably a few former mayors and governors and most of our congresspeople, all should have their day on court.

Agreed. But we know how it works on these camps, what’s temporary becomes permanent. All the people at the Taquari Valley that went dislodged last September had just received their temporary (and very small and uncomfortable) houses to at least leave the shelters. Now they are back to square one.

We both know how it works in our country. Stuff happens slowly, if at all.


This highlights another problem - infrastructure failures:

After climate-related disasters, relief and recovery become much more difficult when communications fail. In this case no power issues were mentioned. :relieved: However, that’s another vulnerability TPTB and residents must address as the frequency of disasters increases.


Disappear Cbs GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert


Nem me fale.

Landslides are common during the summer in Rio de Janeiro, where I live, both in the Capital and in the Serras. People who lost everything but their lives in tragedies in 2022 and previous years, are still waiting for a new place to start their lives over, as [promised by the authorities. Unfortunately, many of them lost patience and settled in places with a high probability of new tragedies.

By the way, is it good news?


my wife and kids no GIF

To be fair it’s better than doing nothing but what this means is that instead of something like a Green New Deal, to rebuild infrastructure and standards in a more sustainable way, we’ll get a heavy round of disaster capitalism. They don’t do stuff for free without a good reason.


A&M is well known here in RS. It helped privatize CORSAN, the state-owned water company and now is probably working in privatize DMAE, the water company owned by the municipality of Porto Alegre, which is independent of CORSAN and remained public, for now. The mayor proposed repeatedly the privatization of DMAE.


Better do maintenance on those air conditioners!


Good thing climate change is outlawed in TX, hmmm?


Unless I missed something, Florida has done that. Texas hasn’t. Not yet anyway. The PTB in Texas are still at the stage of rejecting text books with climate change in them and continuing the hobbling and gutting of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

The flooding in south east Texas is very bad and the rain just keeps coming. It’s an area prone to swamp in previous decades and then a whole bunch of assholes developers, aided and abetted by various local and state authorities, built lots of homes in flood plains over the last 50 years.

The network of rivers, reservoirs, and bayous just can’t keep up with this kind of rain. And this kind of rain seems like it might be the new normal. No longer 500 year flood conditions