Floor796 is an ever-expanding animation scene showing the life of the 796th floor of a huge space station

Originally published at: Floor796 is an ever-expanding animation scene showing the life of the 796th floor of a huge space station | Boing Boing


“Fire trucks are water trucks. Change My Mind”

This is glorious.


Quite impressive! and [bender]neat. however, for especially prudish lands (no problem where i sit [looks about furtively]) there are a few NSFW scenes…


Too much to take in.

But an apparent lack of doors and corridors makes one wonder how one traverses this lengthy and widthy floor.

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My. God.

This is a masterpiece. Absolutely brilliant. I’ve spent 20 minutes surfing around it and keep finding new things. Wolverine and Princess Leia making out in the bathroom. :joy: A White Walker who opened an ice cream shop :rofl: A Stormtrooper playing Duck Hunt (and not hitting anything) :joy: On and on.

Also you can tap on most people and props to see what they are and/or get the context.

There’s a few problematic things in there too, like a certain fascist frog at the bar. Still, I can let it slide for the magnitude of the genius of this.


Can anyone find Stanley Tweedle? 790, Zev and Kai in the nooble bar. Maybe Stanley is away with Xev?

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the “change my mind” meme guy! the statements change and if you click on it, you can add your own 2 or 3 lines to the rotation of “change my mind” statements.
this damn thing is going to be my new time suck. beautiful and clever and great fun.
don’t miss the wall o’ memes!


Mr. Norris doesn’t appreciate being clicked apparently.


Looks like I have to turn in my nerd card - the only references I can identify in the article’s screenshot are Picard, Riker and Mantis. :frowning:

It feels kind of weird to single out the corporal punishment in Another Brick in the Wall as nsfw, especially when the same scene involves feeding the kids into a meat grinder. :confused:


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