Florida cop arrested on first day on job and charged with possessing child sexual abuse material

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/03/09/florida-cop-arrested-on-first-day-on-job-and-charged-with-possessing-child-sexual-abuse-material.html


‘I’m going to be law enforcement, I’m very powerful.’

you. little. shit!


You would think that recruiting 19 year olds for police positions would be seen as a really bad idea. Of all the jobs to not require college!


In many Texas communities where young people do not have resources or options to go to college, not to mention the inclination, going from high school graduation to somewhere like a police “academy” or training school is more desirable than getting a minimum wage job at a fast food franchise or other bottom-rung of the ol’ American economic ladder. I have friends who, and friends whose kids either wanted to or did actually become cops.

It’s not the age of the human.

It’s the whether that human is a responsible, serious, law-abiding human to begin with.


Audience Reaction GIF by Originals

I hope you aren’t making rape jokes.


Sounds like…a cop.


No just snarking that prison genpops are not friendly to ex cops, sex criminals, or 19 year olds.

Let alone all 3.

Though he will likely only see a few months in jail(if any) i imagine most of it will be in solitary or a protected space for his safety.

No, that line is VERY much a rape joke. Just… don’t do that.


I’ve never forgotten a party three decades ago when my nephew, who was something of a jerk but not yet a full-blown asshole, crossed that line when he crowed about his first assignment in the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. His assignment was the notorious Men’s Central Jail. With a big grin he said, “I can’t wait to get into some fights!”


Honestly surprised they arrested him. Wanting to be a cop so you’ll have power to abuse is a requirement for a successful career in law enforcement. (Other motivations exist, but those people are most likely to get ground down and quit/get forced out.) I suspect it was less what he did (though that he did it to children was probably the issue), but when he did it. He hadn’t been there long enough to build a social network - he wasn’t yet “one of the guys.” If he had waited a year or two, and done this to 18-year-olds… we’d not even be hearing about it unless he got caught doing some other crime the cops couldn’t sweep under the rug.


We know that brains are still maturing until the age of 23-24. A union trade apprenticeship is usually 3-4 years. Start that at 19, you are 22 when you get certified. Most police training in the US is less than 6 months. We don’t let 19 year olds by themselves booze-why should they be allowed to carry a gun and a badge and the authority that goes with them? Why not require some experience beyond high school and some better education?


But that’s not a reason why he can’t get re-hired at some other police department, right?


‘I’m going to be law enforcement, I’m very powerful.’

Cops everywhere: “Shit! He said the quiet part out loud.”


As well as getting teenage hormones well behind you.

What he had in his possession has NOTHING to do with “teenage hormones”… this is literally him trying to exert power over girls, not about sex or sexuality. Grown men do this kind of thing, too.


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