Florida man shot cat that "looked at him like he owned the place"

I think the chickens are too busy tormenting the local dogs.

  1. Urban and suburban backyards are not “the environment.” Housecats are by definition not living in wildlife habitat.

  2. Human suburbs, where millions of outside cats live, do not seem to have a negative impact on birds.

The cats in my house are not allowed outside because nearby car traffic is dangerous, but I feel bad for them. They are little prisoners in here. Sorry, kitties :frowning:


My cat does enjoying watching small critters on the back deck through the back doors (squirrels and birds, but also some lizards and bugs) and she will chase bugs she finds in the house… but she just bats it about until a human realizes there is a bug and she expects us on clean up duty.


I wonder about that, but inside kitties are safe, well fed/looked after, and as long as you play with them or they can play with each other, I think they are probably okay.


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