Florida Man wanted for fishing inside Bass Pro Shop and absconding with a live tarpon

Originally published at: Florida Man wanted for fishing inside Bass Pro Shop and absconding with a live tarpon - Boing Boing


I mean, is Florida Man™ going to put it in his own pond or something? Let it free to fight another day?
Because from what I understand, it’s otherwise a game fish that is generally weighed and released and not good to eat.


Release the Tarpon!


You’re assuming that said Florida Man™ knows enough about tarpons to realize that it’s not good to eat. He may have been hungry and in for a surprise (or hungry enough not to care).

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it is illegal to keep tarpon at all! you are not supposed to even take them out of the water at any size! fishermen may bring tarpon alongside the boat for a picture, but that is all!

and, as stated before, they are not good to eat.


Are we certain that this fish thief hales from the Sunshine State?


It seems odd that they’re legally protected from fishing, but they’re okay for a store to keep as decor.


in a town on the gulf side, called Tarpon Springs, you will see them in giant aquarium in restaurants! seems odd to me, as well.
edit: you can feed tarpon by hand at Robbie’s Marina in Islamorada!

i am not affiliated in any way with Robbie’s


Okay, I can understand not seeing someone shoplifting (and to be honest, even if I see someone shoplifting, I didn’t see them), but how does someone walk into a store with a fish net, scoop out a 50 lb fish, and walk out with it. I’m pretty sure that even if he’d stuck it under his coat it would be pretty damned obvious!

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Nobody said the guy wasn’t seen. He was very clearly seen by whoever was recording the video, among others. But the fact that someone is watching you doesn’t actually physically prevent you from walking out the door with something. Plenty of viral videos showing brazen shoplifters demonstrate that.


Pah! He’s not even naked! C-minus, Florida Man! Try harder!


We’ll get Kraken on that!


HO LEE SHE ITE! just now on my teevee, reporting that this video of one stupid-ass TOURON! pulling a tarpon out of the water at Robbie’s Marina!
Robbie’s is where you go to feed the tarpon by hand! they are there because people feed them. to have some idiot touron then try to “catch” one is just… well to me, unimaginable! what. the. FUCK. did you think you would do with it ???!!!
this event probably killed the fish. to say that this is the kind of thing that makes me angry enough to roadblock the 18 mile stretch (the connection between mainland and keys) is putting it mildly. no. don’t just get off my lawn, get off my fucking island!
/angry rant


The equivalent of hunting a tiger that has been baited and drugged and where someone who can shoot is just behind you. Let’s hope fish and wildlife come down on him from a great height.


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