Florida management company bans tenants from using storm shutters as Hurricane Irma approaches

Except the property heading the story does not appear to be the property in question. They look more like the Marina Bay property and the scant pictures of the Colony Park place looks like it’s all single story. I wonder whether it’s still true that if you demolish a structure and build a new one, you have to pay for (and pass—but it’s Florida) an environmental impact study, but if a something like, say, a hurricane flattens the place you can rebuild at will as long as the footprint is the same.


Whatever the qualitative effect, this story is a pretty concise demonstration of disaster capitalism in action. If corporate has instituted a policy that can only result in significantly greater property damage, then they certainly want the building(s) destroyed (perhaps save a little on demolition, even.)

Where they’ve shown their incompetence is by jumping the gun, and providing clear evidence of extreme negligence that like you said, lawsuits are in their future- bankruptcy-sized ones if this particularly craven act comes with a death toll. I for one hope they get sued into the ether, these types are a parasite on our existence.


“Unbelievably idiotic” is the new black. Get with the program!


I’ll place my bet that the single point of failure is some puffed-up local flunky, operating beyond his education level, who’s misinterpreted the letter from remote management telling tenants not to cause damage by hammering nails into the frames to include management’s own shutters as well.

It doesn’t require a grand cunning plan, just one idiot.


I don’t disagree about the liability - but there is more liability in some places than others, because there are just more laws to protect tenants in some places, and Florida is notoriously not one of those places. I also think liability is limited, even more so if all heck breaks loose.

Someone must want to see the place all messed up is my only guess. I can’t assume who exactly, because I know nothing of the ownership and management, but someone made a decision and I doubt it was just to be a jerk to people for fun.

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There’s no way to know what the motivation really is, but the likely outcome is very predictable.

If people get killed and there’s clear evidence that those deaths could have been prevented, it doesn’t matter what liability laws are on the books, they’re gonna end up paying through the nose; this is the kind of potential slam-dunk case that the 'Gloria Allred’s of the world salivate over.

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Fendii Gerald
4 reviews
a year agoThese motherlovers never pick up the phone…unprofessional and musty

5 reviews
2 months agoNever picks up the phone

1 review
2 years agoDon’t move here. You will get robbed and there is no security! Your left to fend for yourself.

They sound like fantastic landlords, really looked out for their tenants until now (/s) I guess is my point.


I just tried to call but guess what, they’re off the clock as it’s after 6pm. Fuckers.


More damning evidence against the property management company in the event of a lawsuit for extreme negligence; Irma may very well be ‘the Streisand Effect’ that is their undoing.

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Well, I’ve learned it’s 130 units of Income Restricted housing, constructed in 2002. It’s about 4 miles inland.



My therapist told me about this comic, and it was so apropos to me, I bought a framed copy from The New Yorker. Still need to hang it…


Wouldn’t the flaw of this plan be the subsequent utterly depressed economy the region will suffer through the next several years as they rebuild? Doesn’t that make the prospect of higher priced renters eagerly waiting to move to a disaster area a sucker bet? Though I suppose this too is capitalism.


2 miles from the airport!

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A pity the centers of the O and A would fall right out.

the letters are etched?

Never underestimate the stupidity of the majority of the corporate rentier class, nor their ability to get their way most of the time.


It’s all starting to make sense now.


Not allowing them to protect their property during a natural disaster? Sue them for any damage incurred from that natural disaster, with their own edict as evidence.

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Maybe we just need to redecorate our walls to see the big picture…

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