Florida teacher under investigation for showing class Disney movie with gay character

God did put me here

Maybe he/she/it/they etc can taker her away as well…


Yeah, I agree with everything you’ve said. I meant more in media and education, not the act itself when performed in the ways/place they deem acceptable.


Thank heavens I’m neither a parent nor a Florida resident, but be assured I’d use this as an opportunity to pitch a major shit-fit if the school tried to teach any stories or films that tried to pervert my child’s mind with heterosexual content…


Yeah, but I guess that’s part of my argument? That they deem particular ways about talking about sexuality that leans into those myths they want to push in those realms, too. They’ve long loathed comprehensive sex ed or popular culture that deals with all the messy ways that people actually experience their sexuality, because it upends their myths. They don’t mind talking about sex in particular contexts, but not as long as it’s in a way that’s empowering for anyone but white men…


God also put everyone here, even the people she thinks is a minority that she doesn’t want to infiltrate the schools.


Don’t grief the schools, but pitch a hell of a fit to the ghouls on the school board at every opportunity.


I am wondering how they plan to handle the students when these subjects come up when they speak among their peers. You know it will come up. Especially when Timmy says something about his [trans parents].


But, it appears, God did not teach you grammar.


Except the larger plan is to eliminate “those people.”

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By taking any such children from their families and putting them in foster care or largely abusive Christian “children’s homes” until death, jail, or escape.

Same as it was when I was a kid and same as when my parents were kids.

Many of us had hoped this generation would be spared.


They will kick those kids out of school or more likely take those children out of those homes and arrest the parents for “abuse”… because that’s about where we are right now.

Let’s get this bit straight here, though… a trans woman was never a man, despite how the rest of the world might have forced them to be defined. They were always who they were, and were forced into the closet, sometimes at great expense to their health and well-being. But trans woman are women, and really always were women.


I did not mean to offend.

I took it as your phrasing it as the students might, but gentle reminders about how to phrase things and why are always welcome. Becky’s mom is trans or who recently came out as trans.



Also, if mere representation, the lowest of bars to clear, is indoctrination to her, and religion is also on her list like she says it is, I would like to see how long she could hold her tongue if I started going after Christian representation in film.


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