My guess is it had something to do with the Cadillac welfare queen trope. Seems about his speed.
Edited to say sorry to @alahmnat, I didn’t mean to step on your comment.
My guess is it had something to do with the Cadillac welfare queen trope. Seems about his speed.
Edited to say sorry to @alahmnat, I didn’t mean to step on your comment.
Someone will. Just like Henry the Hypocrite Hyde, who went after Clinton but brushed off his own extramarital affair at age 41 as just that when he got caught.
For people who spend so much time shaming others, conservatives are completely shameless when the tables are turned.
His specific wording was “Katrina Victim”. Dollars to donuts that wasn’t meant in an empathetic way that took into account the tragedy of that event and the racist government non-response, but rather the same way that “entitlement” is used to reduce those in abject poverty with real needs to human lampreys sucking the life force out of the hard workers (and economy) that support their lazy asses.
Also, fucking Bud Light. I could have guessed that from the headline alone.
ETA: @Pensketch beat me to it. Empathy, indeed.
People dress up as scary (to them) examples of things they have anxiety about.
After Katrina, many white people in neighboring states developed massive anxiety that the fleeing black people of New Orleans would resettle closer to their nice white lives.
There were a lot of newspaper articles at the time of people “concerned” about the possible new complexion of their communities, if the new arrivals weren’t convinced to leave the state after the emergency passed.
It was probably less a “looter” and more a kind of “zombie invasion” costume.
But still extra racist.
…he’d still be a man in his mid-to-late thirties making fun of people whose lives and cities were recently destroyed in one of the worst humanitarian crises in American history.
Totally off-topic, but this shit heel doesn’t deserve more airtime. Anyway, in season 2 episode 4 of “Glow” there was a really brilliant episode where Tammé Dawson’s (played by Kia Stevens, who in the show portrays a character called The Welfare Queen) son visits from college. He is obviously there because she worked so hard to get him there. He’s a very conscious campus activist type and she tries to convince him that being Welfare Queen is actually empowering because it allows her to be a star and occasionally win against the other white bread caricatures of the show. She convinces him to come see a show live which doesn’t go well at all. The brilliance of the episode is that they just leave the heartbreak there, unresolved. She still needs a job, has a family of sorts in the other performers and has spent a lifetime eating racist crow so she can stomach it. He can’t. The pain in their eyes is just unbearable. Highly recommended.
Yeah let’s not forget this was the era when Barbara Bush had her let them eat cake moment when she said of Katrina refugees being housed in Houston “And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them.”
Can confirm; GLOW is an excellent show and that particular scene really resonated with me.
Also, Kia Stevens is a real wrestler.
Wait, she is? I know they’ve had legit wrestlers guest (Macchu Picchu’s brother, for instance), but had no idea about her.
Halloween costumes are either something you aspire to (cats), something you see as scary, or just a gambit to get laid. I think that “Halloween costume as fear/anxiety reliever” thing is why people will try it every year.
The more that white people project monsterhood on black people, the more tempting it is to turn blackness into a costume to make fun of. Acute white insecurity makes blackface look logical as a Halloween costume. It’s why rich people have liked dressing as “Peasants” or “Wild Africans” for hundreds of years. (It’s why punks put on a tie and go as a “businessman” for the night, too)
They’ll never admit “I dress up as a black person because I’m scared of black people,” of course. It’s always, “I wanted to honor them”, or “I didn’t have any intent”. But why dress yourself up in such a grotesquely make-upy way if you didn’t have some actual anxiety underneath it to motivate you?
She is.
Not a ‘big name’ like Trish Strauss or Chyna, but she’s legit.
NOLA hadn’t fully reopened for Halloween. I snuck back in mid October, even though the forced evacuation was still in effect. On that Halloween it still looked like an apocalyptic nightmare, with no one around but the National Guard, an inch of dirt covering every surface except the mold, and a smell that is truly unimagineable.
I don’t think he could have possibly had a more offensive costume that day.
Aha! A little after “my time” as I think the last wrestling anything I saw was around 2000 or so, but yeah she seems awesome. Thanks!
‘After my time as well’; I haven’t actively watched wrestling since Andre the Giant was still alive and before everyone realized Hulk Hogan is a flaming bigot.
However, I did watch the GLOW documentary on Netflix about the original 80’s tv show, (which is also excellent.) Somewhere in the commentary it was mentioned.
[quote=“jimp, post:33, topic:137526”]
at this point in time and society. [/quote]
You mean 15 years ago.
Why would you even run for office if you have that mentality?
Some good stuff from Sasheer Zamata about tone deafness. First half, racism. Second half, sexism.
You can’t achieve 100% completion on the St. Ronnie Medal of Freedom With American Characteristics without a reference to the scourge of the ‘welfare queen’.
It’s OK and all to be against ‘thugs’ and have a…totally humanitarian… interest in ‘black on black violence’; but mere violence, even threatening the purity of white womanhood; will never quite match being biologically capable of converting welfare checks into unfavorable demographics. The fact that said biological capability is also a sign of being overtly female is just icing on the cake.
Never attribute to stupidity that which is obviously explained by racism.
He wasn’t drunk before the party.