Focus on the Family's Singapore sex-ed class promotes rape, bigotry

Why won’t you fix these things? Are you going to be part of the problem?

Thinking this is funny helps people how?

It helps me.

You’re not ‘people’.

Does making a thread full of people think you’re a jerk help lower your blood pressure too? Making examples of foolish comments helps me, so thanks for that.

What are you going to do to fix it? Fly to Singapore and protest?

You can either have a sense of humor about these sort of things, you can go out of your way to fix them or you can stay at home and be filled with righteous indignation and feel superior.
Unless you’re going to Singapore to tell them how you REALLY feel about their curriculum then you’re in the latter category.

Don’t tell me what my options are. Your sense of humour is base and simple. This is the internet. Can Singaporeans not read these words? I’m not at home, I don’t feel superior to Singaporeans, I am superior to Focus on the Fuckwits, their supporters and you.

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You don’t have to go to Singapore to fight against FotF’s fuckwittery. I am active in the community of Atheists and Freethinkers and do all kinds of things to work against the dominionist rot that is trying to assert itself within our government and influence policy. FotF isn’t cute, they’re dangerous, and need to be stopped before they can do further damage to our democracy.

One important aspect in the fight against the religious right’s attempt to turn the US and other countries into christian theocracies is exposing such organizations as the misogynist bigots that they are.

Do you know what’s happening in Uganda? American missionaries over the last 20 years have been insinuating themselves into the Ugandan government, and warping their culture. It’s now literally illegal to be gay in Uganda. You go to prison for “loving in an ungodly way”. The government there encourages acts of violence against gay people. And that’s just one aspect of how the dominionist agenda has fucked things up for people in Uganda.

Do you want that to happen in the states? Because I sure don’t. And I’m still doing things even if I’m not getting on a plane and going to Singapore to denounce FotF’s actions there. I’m more effective doing my work where I am in fact.



Shhhh… stop knowing things. We’re supposed to just laugh at this, apparently.

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