Folks on TikTok are discovering that their improperly-washed Stanley tumblers are growing mold

As requested:
:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


… I knew you were going to say that. Admittedly, I need to get much, much better at cleaning my coffee maker.


I was effectively banned from washing out the coffee pots at the church I used to attend for that very reason- I spent like half an hour fully dismantling the thing and giving it a nice detail clean (You could actually SEE THROUGH THE GLASS LEVEL INDICATOR ON IT AGAIN) and the grumpy old men got super butthurt over it because it was no longer bitter like they were.


Especially if you have someone in the house that likes making gallon-sized batches of Iced Teas using the good ol reliable 12 cup Mr. Coffee- the urn and filter basket are top rack safe, chuck them into the dishwasher as well. (Coffee flavored tea is not as good as you might think, and the same in the other direction.)

I will admit that I need to run a full descaling run through the Kurieg and detail clean that thing afterwards, but I’ve not been able to conjure the spoons to do it lately. I will note that if you make flavored coffee/tea/hot drink in one of those, for the love of Crom, toss out the used K-cup when it’s done brewing, and run about 4 ounces of hot water through it into a different coffee mug. it’s a better experience over time. (I’ve run into people that have a Bad Habit of leaving the damn K-cup in the machine after making their cuppa, and that will lead to problems down the road.)


There sure are a lot of stupid people out there.


I just put some vinegar in the water holding thingy and run the machine for a few cups. Then I dump it, clean and rinse the water container really good, and then just run water through the machine until the water coming out no longer tastes vinegary. I probably don’t do that often enough, but I’m the only one using it, and I make 1-2 cups a day. It’s not seeing heavy use.


How anyone could think that they somehow don’t need to wash the utensils & containers they use to eat and drink on a regular basis, is beyond me.



apologies @NukeML couldn’t resist!


I’m missing the entire point. What’s so great about these drink holders again?


Apparently they grow enough ergot mold inside them that if you drink from one, you ingest enough psychedelics to think it’s a good idea to spend $200 on a coffee cup.


Thank you. Hard to believe the people are adults (or almost adults) getting high off the mold in their to-go mug.

Janine Randall




True, but it’s a right PITA finding a big enough dishwashing machine. Even those big commercial units will usually only hold a very young, small one.

Getting them into the thing, well, that’s another problem. They’re rarely tractable.

There are itty bitty straw-cleaning brushes, like long, skinny mini bottle brushes, but mom hipped me to dishsoap on a chopstick. Works a treat and easy to use.

When I worked in restaurants, the only removable part of the clear glass coffeepots was their flappy lids, and no cleaning implement was going in that hypernarrow neck. We cleaned them with salt and ice, and a looooong, hotttt rinse. Stains rapidly disappeared, and the sinks provided damn near boiling water, so they got clean clean clean. It was a satisfying chore, and swirling around the ice and salt was kinda fun. Made a good noise.

Yes, sometimes I am easily amused.

There are types of Asian teapots who are supposed to be allowed to become seasoned. It’s actually good for them.

Really, truly, profoundly shitty parenting. This is absolutely basic stuff that kids should know while their ages are still in single digits, FFS. Having a dishwasher is no excuse, nor is having servants who do it for you.

If I may be allowed a charming phrase, You ain’t missin’ nothin,’ Honey. They’re a whole bunch of expensive, plain old nope. I can’t imagine why anyone would want such costly, ugly junk.

Okay, whaddya wanna bet a buncha these exceptionally wrongly raised fools are the same nanowits who took to social media six years ago and proclaimed their love of medium rare” {i.e., mostly raw, pink AF} chicken??? At least that fad died a quick death. When that crap was posted on tumblr, the comments bagged on them hard, wisely mentioning food poisoning. More lousy parents. Saw that shit only once or twice, and never again.

Maybe schools should require home ec classes.

Here’s another one! What %age of these morons used to, or still do freeze their jeans insteada washing them, like reasonable people do when their clothes get dirty? Seemed like it was talked about for the longest time, then suddenly fell off the radar. I sure hope that repulsive practice has died its deserved, dirty death. /shudder

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I feel like everyone in those videos is old enough to have had enough water bottles they shouldn’t be surprised when the Stanley lid design harbors mold. Are we thinking, oh no this time it’ll be different… That looks like the same snap rotate lid design I’ve had on several other mugs over the years and those all sucked for cleaning and cleanliness as well.

Look Yeti mag slider design FTW. I’m old enough at this point IDGAF. If it’s a well engineered design I’m going to pay for it.


I don’t know. I think that one mostly came from people washing their jeans after every wear, like you do with underwear, and noticing how quickly they faded, and wanting to find a way to keep them from fading so fast. Now, why they didn’t go for the obvious and just not wash them as often, I have no idea. Levi’s recommends washing their jeans every 10 wears. I’m not sure I ever pushed it that far, but maybe I did. I certainly don’t wash them after every time I wear them. You don’t need to do that unless you’re playing in the mud or something.


If only they were made from copper everything would be alright.


Oh please don’t restart that argument, lol


Is that on the list? Should it be?


2 weeks of owning a Camelbak water bottle put me off buying another drink container with a complex lid ever again (unless it matches my bicycle colour, like, really well). Those things get filthy really fast, and are a pain to disassemble.


The backpack reservoirs are a right pain in the anus to clean as well; I rarely use mine because they are such a hassle to keep clean.