Folktexts: How to fill your head with free folklore

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It’s surprising how many intelligent, well read people have done it, though.

You can expiate your sin by donating money (earmarked specifically for book purchases, if you want) to the library you stole from. :slight_smile:


I wonder if someone did this for religion? In seminary, I did a paper on stories about Jesus and Mary (Issa and Miryam) in the Bible, the Koran and in Rumi’s poetry…


Lots here too:

Along with all sorts of other good and interesting things.


There appears to be this which is close but not quite:

and looking online it certainly seems a common thing for scholars to do but there doesn’t seem to be an online repository - at least not one that isn’t hidden behind a university/seminary log-in.

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I’m currently half way through the F&W book right now. It’s 1.2k pages of pure Folklore, and worth the two-column, 10pt font, and lack of internal pictures.


There is also the Aarne-Thompson Uther index of fables fairy tales which is fascinating in itself.


Did they form a… a Chain of some sort?

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The same stories show up in the canonical New Testament, the Gnostic Gospels, the Koran and in Rumi’s poetry. And not just Jesus and Mary; many stories!

any resources on “woman as monstrous other?”

Taking books from the school library and not returning them won’t do.


oh, swoon. nicely done.

Please check out the American Folklore Society for 100s of free open access texts. You can also find many open access resources at the cumbersome but still worth it resources of Memorial University of Newfoundland Libraries collection. The herbert Halpert collection is not completely available but there is some material. Unfortunately many archives with very important collections are under funded and digitization is expensive and takes forever. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have fascinating materials.


The book Scandinavian Folk Belief and Legend was my textbook for a folklore class, and it’s super fascinating. First-hand accounts of fairy sightings, a centuries-old transcript of a lawsuit against a wind wizard for failing to deliver, just tons of interesting stuff.

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I had contact on these sites previously thanks a good fairytale RPG called Loose Threads, a World of Adventure for Fate Core by Tara Zuber. They are totally fantastic and liked it a lot. It’s so satisfying to see that myths being crossed and mingled into all cultures, makes me feel feel hope in world.

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You know about the Copenhagen and the Bonn cases, do you?

I couldn’t find proper reporting in English on the web, my google-fu is weak today.
This gives just a glimpse:

And this is in German:

I did not, and now I do!   :slight_smile:   Thanks!

Ten Thousand


Not half as funny as the Mentos thing, but the Copenhagen case is amazing. That guy took a copy of Utopia home.

Like, a first edition.

Sometimes, I really envy him.

(By the way, a second edition of The origin of species and a first edition, rebound, of Das entdeckte Geheimnis der Natur im Bau und in der Befruchtung der Blumen are among the books I am still worried about not taking into my personal custody illegally when I had the chance to. They are sitting on never-dusted, non-environmentally controlled and, worst, non-catalogued shelves in my old institute and will probably never be used until someone decides to “throw out the old useless stuff and replace it with new shiny molecular biology equipment”. My old supervisor, as terrible as he was as a superior, was a true scholar and booksperson. He DONATED those books to the institute. And according to the library card - analogue, the analogue catalog had them but is gone now - the last time someone took out Sprengel’s book was in the 1980s.)

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