
This is more a question of typography rather than typefaces, but what is up with the strange use of quotation marks here. Is that, like, a thing you can do I’m not aware of?


I get strong vibes of "nephew art.


It is, in fact, correct typography for an extended quotation.

The rule is, where the “quotation is short,” do it inline. Whether additional punctuation goes inside or outside the quote marks is a more complicated question. (In prose, “there is a final comma inside the quote,” he said. In a technical work, keep the punctuation outside the quotes unless they’re part of the original quote or they’re “specially marked […] as extraneous”.)

When you are quoting an entire paragraph, then

“Start and end the entire paragraph with quotation marks.”

But when you have multiple paragraphs being quoted, doing that on each paragraph can look like you’re just jamming together separate paragraphs together. So, instead, you do this:

"Start the quoted section with a quote mark. But it hasn’t finished yet. So don’t close the quote at the end of the para.

"But the quote is still going, so you put a new open quote to remind the reader that you’re in a quotation.

"And so on.

“Until you reach the end of the quote. And now you can close the quote.”

So the image is correct in how it’s dealing with a multi-paragraph quotation.

The problem I have with it is that it doesn’t say who it’s quoting. And it isn’t really a quote: it’s a statement. It stands on its own. It doesn’t need to call in any other author. It is, of itself, not a quote.


And it just looks crappy that way.


Is it a quotation though? It seems more like a series of statements and responses.

It really depends on the style manual that the typesetter/writer follows. Personally I hate it, because it impairs my reading comprehension, expecting and not getting the closing quotes. But, as with so many English/typesetting things, it can depend on what your experience/custom is.

Typographically it is a bit of a mess, the line breaks are, mostly, set before but, however that does make an unpleasant rolling rag which is triggering my typographic sensibilities.

Further reading (pdf)


Also, if AI is going to be used for anything, it should be to enable something like “I see you are setting body text center aligned. I’m just going to disable your keyboard for half an hour so you can go away and think really hard about what you’re trying to do.”


I would accept any AI who can do this as an intelligent entity. Likewise, a car that displays a message like “This is so boring. Every day the same routes. Work, shopping, home. Can’t we go someplace else for a change?” Seriously, forget the Turing test.

Given the current state of what is sold as “AI” though, the car envisioned above will not only double as a small aircraft, it will also be powered by cold fusion.


Clippy: adding new horror to the AI paperclip apocalypse.


One way to view death is that it is a form of salvation.


It should also recognise any attempts to press the “justify paragraph” button in MS Word and respond with the message:

"You probably don’t want to do this. If you do want this for some reason, please be aware that this button will cause it to be done badly. "


Ok, I will attempt to justify this paragraph:

The inclusion of this paragraph is a masterstroke of literary padding. Although the paragraph does not add anything of value – merely repeating points that have already been made several times with the finesse of a broken record – we must admit that that paragraph adds visual heft to the essay. Its sheer bulk adds a certain gravitas to the page count, bestowing an illusory sense of profundity that bravely withstands a cursory glance by an inattentive reader.




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I don’t like like fonts where the “M” is too wide and/or the V-shaped bit goes all the way down.
It just looks wrong to me.


− — – -

Another type of dash frequently unused is the minus (first in the sequence above), replaced by the hyphen.

An em is a variable unit of measurement based on the point size of the font.
The em dash should be the same width as the height of the font. So, if using 24pt text, the em dash should be 24pt wide. The M might often be near to the width but that is coincidental. An en is half the width of an em (24pt font 12pt en). Again the comparison to an N is coincidental.

Ems and ens aren’t often used as units of measurement any more, but you can find them on old type spec documents.



Not a font, a twist on logos

I am not sure about the cutout quality, seems a bit inconsistent, otherwise it does the job.