Forget the bleach. Anti-vax leader pushes new Covid cure: "Drink urine!"

Or perhaps the toxic masculinity has such deep hooks in them that this is the only way they can allow themselves to finally get the treatments they need? I mean, yeah, I’m being a little sarcastic, but only a little. It sure would not hurt for them to finally have something that lets them get past the emotional barriers that blocks expression of everything except rage. (Softer skin? Bonus!)


I think that is quite possible. Hell, it took me to age 43 to finally admit those feelings weren’t going away and start my transition.

After I replied I read a comment saying this might be a tactic to make those medications unavailable for trans folks, which I suppose is another possibility. I wouldn’t put it past those people to fuck over a lot of gullible people just to hurt the transes.


I was 46, so I get it. First I had to figure out I’m genderqueer, as almost every time I’d followed the through progress before then, I found that although we started in similar places, my journey departed from that of my transfeminine friends before we reached the same destination. Turns out I was just missing a turn in the path that wasn’t marked when I had previously encountered it! Here we are a few years later and I’m just starting hormones, as I finally have options other than “all or nothing,” assuming these idiots don’t deplete the supply, of course.


Oh nice! I thought I was binary when I first came out but have since realized I’m just a femme nonbinary. It’s so confusing and there’s so much variation, there’s no one size fits all. I’m glad there’s now the language to help people figure themselves out, it was rough in the 90s when I first realized what I was.


Enjoy Your Urine® Responsibly


Ah I didn’t read the tweet, I just looked thru the drug reference to see what those were. After reading the tweet, this sounds SO MUCH better…

…why Portuguese though? I really don’t think I want to know.

Urine was also used in the manufacture of gunpowder. In one “industrial” application I saw the channel of urine was interrupted by an array of brushes - something like straw broom heads only wider - as urine flowed past potassium nitrate crystals would accumulate on the fibres which would be swapped out with fresh ones. Hence saltpetre would be collected.


It looks so official!

but, just because you’re familiar with the style…


Yep. It was so precious in England that in the 16th Century, the monarch had the right to send private agents into any home in order to secure saltpetre for gunpowder supplies. The French king went even further, issuing a droit de fouille - a right to dig for saltpetre in any property which could include demolishing buildings to reach it.

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