Foul-smelling clamshell paved road is being removed

The pedant in me still insists that “paving” explicitly means “cover with a layer of flat bricks or [paving] stones”. Road was not ‘paved’, it was CLAMMED.


See I was thinkin that this was why intrusive government isnt such a good thing. :grin:

Its all relative. What may count for loud music and stenches on what to me is huge space between properties like there at that place is different from here in Tokyo where I can literally reach out my window and touch the house next door. I know damn well when the next door neighbor has digestive trouble or ate curry.

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I’ve heard “lukehot”.

There’s lukeskywalker, I guess.

Luke already means warm (as in tepid warm), so Luke cold or luke smart doesn’t make sense. it’s basically a grammatical tautology, like double negatives for emphasis.

Its German cousin “lau” is also mainly used like that as in “lauwarm”, but we sometimes still use it as in “luke evening” (warm enough to sit outside) and “luke air”.


No, no, the bones are fine, you just have to make sure you get all the meat off them first.

Even an all-conquering overlord should be considerate to his neighbours/subjects. Noblesse oblige and all that.


Clam up, calm down.

The reality is this guy should not have used those shells in their condition…clearly he was cutting corners as a cost saver for himself.

It shouldn’t matter if it inconveniences one person or a thousand; it’s wrong either way. And as is usually the case when you cut corners in this manner it ends up costing you more.


Yes, how could I forget about “luke” skywalker, the apathetic, lethargic sky walker.
Instead of “May the force be with you,” his motto is, “Meh.”


Why in the world would anyone think it is okay to use decaying organic matter as a road covering?

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Why wouldnt anyone think so?

Sorry for being unclear, I was asking which one! 1984?


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Oh, dang! That painted backdrop looked a lot older. Cheers!

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