“And you’re not afraid of getting cancer from the noise of those wind turbines?”
related: A reporter went undercover house hunting in Miami to find out how real estate agents were addressing the inevitable climate change flooding.
An actual quote from one:
“The scientists, economists, and environmentalists that are saying this stuff, they don’t realize what a wealthy area this is.”
They think the climate cares about their tax bracket, that their money will protect them from bad things happening to them ever.
…which is not surprising to the science community that puts it together. IPCC reports are a committee efforts, put together by a large number of people over several years. By the time an IPCC report is published it’s 3-5 years behind the leading edge of the field, and any new science in the last decade or so that hasn’t been thoroughly replicated is left out.
Useful diagram drawn by climate scientist Michael Tobis:
We’ve had the answer to this one for over a century: externalities. In other words, let those suckers pay for it!
Great link!
You’re right: there is no “away”, but they will get to be “last”, so … win?
It’s kind of a variant of the boiling frog syndrome, really well illustrated by Diamond in his ‘Collapse’ chapter on Easter Island.
Good points. Just one more to add to your list: conservatives tend to be overly wrapped around “what about?” And in this case, the usual retort is, “What about China? Why should we ruin our economy to fix make-believe climate change when China is doing even worse things?” Ironically, these are the same people who think America is and always will be the leader of the free world.
(Hint: “leading” commonly means “being first.”)
Fox viewers: “His WWII comparison is a load of horse poop. Hitler was a real threat. We’d all be speaking German right now if we didn’t fight that war. Global warming is fake news!”
Thanks. Further discussed in this topic:
The article posted by @songkran above is also worth reading. The levels of delusion at work would be funny if it didn’t affect us all.
A lot of them seem to think that your neck of the planet will be the place where they can be “last”. Somehow I think your fellow Kiwis will have different ideas, despite the security thugs with control collars.
You know, The Tick and I have something in common:
We both hope to not destroy the Earth, because that’s where we keep all our stuff.
Many seem to genuinely believe that once the Earth is completely fucked up to the point where it can no longer sustain life, they’ll just be able to easily ‘move on’, to Mars… which will have been terraformed into a ideal utopia, just for them.
Yeah, not super happy about that, as you might’ve imaged. In particular; the ‘one rule for thee, a different rule for me’ methodology they use to get visas/passports
the arctic sea-ice-extent has never been lower at this time of year. again.
Or that Jeebus will then save them from the rising waters (and brown people).
Many seem to genuinely believe that once the Earth is completely fucked up to the point where it can no longer sustain life, they’ll just be able to easily ‘move on’, to Mars…
Someone once pointed out the irony of this: if we can’t fix earth’s climate, then we definitely can’t fix mars. I’m all for terraforming mars… after we tackle the orders-of-magnitude-easier problem of terraforming earth. Or, to put it in terms a fox news host can understand: how are you going to pay for terraforming mars? It’s not a fiscally responsible option.
There’s no escape plan. Earth is all we get. You can fix earth, or die on earth… or spend a bunch of money to go die on mars. There’s no practical scenario in which humanity abandons earth, and then somehow creates a sustainable colony elsewhere. Every other celestial body is far worse than the worst we can do to earth.
I am totally in favor of this solution. Just read “The Marching Morons” for an action plan!
Of course, one needs to understand who the “morons” are in this case. And as for the offensive term, the novella was published in the 50s. Different days.