Fox and other conservative sites hastily nuke posts urging vehicular murder of left-wing protesters

Yes, but they still rely on a political bloc half of whom are in denial about being in the same camp as genocidal Nazis. If they force those enablers to face the reality instead of abetting their willful blindness, they risk falling back into marginality. So they have to destroy democracy before they can be as brazen as the White Supremacists they cozy up to.


Hate crimes are distinct from common assault.
Terrorism is distinct from murder.
Attacking a LEO is distinct from attacking a civilian.

There is plenty of precedent for including intent or the specific target in the formulation of the charge, as well as taking it into account in the punishment phase.


After a muslim man attacked people with a car and knife at Ohio state the hypocrite-in-chief flew in to visit with the victims. Meanwhile he still has not even contacted the family of Heather Heyer. And that’s after her mother publicly thanked him for condemning violence on Monday.


I am inclined to agree with you on this.

We already have a large body of law that takes into account the degree of intentionality on a scale ranging from “unforseeable accident” through “depraved indifference” and onto “deliberate and pre-meditated.”

But this makes it all the more puzzling that some state legislatures feel compelled to add to the mix by specifically immunizing from civil damages in the particular case that the injured party is taking part in a protest and the party who caused harm was operating a motor vehicle.

It almost as if they have an agenda…


Perhaps the most insightful thing I have heard on this topic is that, “Principled Conservatives cannot get elected without the racist vote.” Some historian on NPR

I am too young to remember much about the Nixon dog whistles, but I clearly* remember Reagan on a stage with Confederate flags on stage and him saying "The South will rise again… "

The reality is that Republitards have always leaned on racists to get them over the top. El Trumpo is perhaps the clearest example ever.

*Clearly - Ahem, I might have been high at the time, but I did not make this up…


Sort of confirmed by this survey. Here’s the relevant chart - the lower right corner is roughly “principled conservatives.” The top half are “social conservatives” which isn’t limited to racists, but it is where they fit in.


And as punishment the Tories brought his BFFs into government.

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These consequences were not unintended.

Both these laws and the “stand your ground” bullshit are intended as a pretextual excuse to provide impunity for white fascists who murder brown people and their allies. It doesn’t apply the other way.


America, please stop confirming my bias.


Is Trump actually an “avowed white supremacist”, or is Cory making shit up again?

The unfalsafiable statement is the stock in trade of both conspiracy theorists and the loon right. “Your evidence against my position only proves my argument, because that’s exactly what they want you to believe!”

Poor Karl Popper.

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I heard the argument that someone banged on the hood of this guys car so that “justifies” him ramming it into a mass of marchers. Unbelievable.

If that justified ramming people, then there would be a hell of a lot more pedestrians killed in New York every day than the too many that already are.

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Property>Human Life

Every good Republican knows that


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