Fox & Friends edits video to falsely discredit a US Senator

I didn’t understand how this was even possible (even the 90% for BBC seemed high since I doubt many Fox News viewers watch anything foreign in origin) so I took a closer look at the article.

Basically they asked the respondents how much they trusted the cable news networks they watched the most.

So yeah, of course you’re going to place a lot of trust in the network you tune into most often.


A lot of fox viewers may not be smart enough to know that the BBC is of British origin.


I really don’t see a difference between the two. Other than the guy who’s super bloated and red-faced.

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Like the Enquirer and other rag sheets, Fox “News” has stated they air things “solely for the entertainment of their audience”. ** source


Hannity? Trump? Carlson? Baier? O’Reily? Who? Who are you talking about?

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Alex Jones. Though all the ones you named are also disgusting, bloated, red-faced assholes…


No no no no no. This is not a bug. It’s not even a feature. It is, in fact, THE feature. This kind of shit is the sole reason for the existence of this nest of roundworms passing itself off as news.


Be more or less truthful most of the time (say 51%), then you can salt lies in at will. Apply liberally. Viola! Alternate facts.

The president then segued into his popularity and Abraham Lincoln.
“Abe looked pretty presidential, right?” he said. “He’s tough. I admit it, Abe Lincoln is tough, but we love Abe Lincoln.”

Isn’t this just SOP for Fox?


Mazie is up for reelection this year, maybe they decided she’s vulnerable. After all, she only won her last election 63-37, and her approval/disapproval ratio among voters here is down to 60/24. They’re sure to be backing her opponent, who is <<redacted because of BB policy about unfounded assumptions and I don’t think he has labeled himself as “off his rocker”>>.

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Oh, that’s beautiful. Thanks!

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“I’m confused” is bog-standard verbal aikido used since the dawn of time by experienced negotiators and interrogators. It’s from the same quiver as “I must not be communicating effectively” and then rebooting the attack from a better angle.

When the real words matter.

Hirono has a JD from Georgetown and long experience in govt. It’s highly likely she knows exactly what the fuck she’s doing.

Fox “News” = Idiocracy. Pass the Brawndo, we are doomed.


Yeah funny I just read this on my news feed. Still up and running in fabulous faux news tradition.

Yes. By pure coincidence, it’s also SOP for pro-Russians.


The BBC has also edited videos to discredit people.

Footage of the confrontation had been filmed by a crew from the BBC. When this appeared on that evening’s news bulletins, it was edited and broadcast out of chronological sequence, showing pickets throwing stones at the police and the police subsequently carrying out a mounted charge. This corresponded with the narrative given by the police that the decision to use horses was necessary to stop the stone throwing, and was only taken after the police had been subjected to a sustained barrage of missiles. Video taken by the police’s own cameramen, and footage recorded by filmmaker Yvette Vanson, demonstrated that the reverse was true, and that the stone throwing had been a response to the unprovoked first mounted charge.


This news has been modified to fit our agenda.


Give me…ten on one month from now! Just kidding. I don’t gamble.

But yeah, a month.

I would absolutely love it if they were rightfully sued, lost, and as punishment were forced to broadcast a statement about how they had knowingly aired fake news.