Fox News anchor reacts without realizing she's live on the air

When the hosts decide to jump ship, CNN will most likely embrace them along with Rick Santorum.

I think that’s plausible and fair, even if I might not agree with the ultimate conclusion.

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I’ve always seen it as marking a philosophical shift in the TV news industry in general. As it was drummed into me when I started in the biz as a producer, airtime – broadcast or cable – is very expensive in terms of production and distribution and thus was still a constrained resource apart from broadcast licensing fees. Based on that, the idea of avoiding a monopoly of views still applies to cable TV news (though not to digital media outlets).

The end of the Fairness Doctrine gave bad actors (on the right wing, as usual) license to implement their monopoly of views on what was was still a medium available only to large corporations with deep pockets. Worse, they continued to falsely advertise themselves as “Fair and Balanced” as though they were still aspiring to the ideals of the Fairness Doctrine.

Very good point. Faux News would not have been able to take off in the 1990s if there were no Hate Radio to advertise on.


I find it laughable/saddening that Team Trump is begging for donations for his legal fight. Isn’t this guy supposed to be ‘a billionaire’?

Don’t the people sending in money stop and think about that even for a second?


Snopes agrees with you.

Apparently I got this notion from social media and didn’t examine it critically.


As @gracchus and @matman demonstrated, one can make a plausible case that even though the FD wouldn’t have applied to Fox News directly, its revocation still paved the way in some respects. I come down on the side of the fence that it would have been difficult to come up with a justification for the FD much past that point that squared with its original intent and it would have been dangerous to try and do so, but I recognize that reasonable people can still draw a line from A to B.


My hot take:

American conservatives are realising that while they lost the battle, they may ultimately be winning the war. This is evidenced by the closer than expected results in the Senate and House races, not to mention Republicans taking control of redistricting processes in several states. If they want to continue winning the war, they need to appear vaguely reasonable.

Had Democrats prevailed to a greater extent in the Senate and House, we could have expected Fox to fall in line with Trump and call the election a fraud. Instead conservatives have a stacked court, likely Senate control and the ability to stymie any real progress for the next four years.


Oh, come on. Can’t bother to find the link?


Well THAT certainly didn’t come to mind, but thanks for sharing.

EDIT: removed joke that wasn’t funny for some, apologies offered. Here’s a picture of my dog Cooper on his twitter account.


As an Aussie: this dingo meme is in bad taste and needs to die.


No. No, they don’t.


Nothing so hopeful.

It’s just that Rupert Murdoch realises his current host is dying and has decided to latch on to a new victim.

Just remember how he abandoned the Tories for New Labour in the late 1990s when he saw the way the wind was blowing for John Major’s government; and then flopped back to the usual reptiles when Gordon Brown’s government ran into the sand.

Murdoch knows Trump is finished and he’s orders his minions in the press and on TV to take the new line.


As an American… hey, I’m sorry, I hope you weren’t really offended and you were being sarcastic, but if not let me know. Happy to remove it, I do know the dingo baby story is real and not a hoax.


Its just that this is a long story and along the way an innocent family was accused (by people like me) of a horrible crime. The convictions have been reversed but that hasn’t really repaired the damage which was done.

Its just not al laughing matter. Thats all.

Thanks for your comment. My issue is more with this being a bit of a meme, and used all over the place by people who dont know the context.


Yep, totally feel you on that and I apologize for bringing up a rough memory. It’s gone. And thank you for being understanding, you have at least my assurance that’s a meme I won’t be revisiting.


[citation needed]

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Echoing appreciation for letting those of us unaware know.

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Good boy! :heart_eyes:


He’s been tracking the Biden’s dogs since they got their account. Now he expects me to set up an instagram account for him since they have one. He’s very demanding (and also a good boy).


Absolutely nothing. But there still are facts and laws which are supposed to be objective.

“Experts increasingly point to President Donald Trump’s willful negligence as a primary cause of the pandemic’s intensity, but MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirscher takes things a step further, arguing controversially that Trump could be legally liable for coronavirus deaths after he leaves office.”

Whether any of this would extend to the bullhorns is beyond my understanding, but for the sake of 1000s of victims and families, I hope it does.