Well that settles it, I think…
He’d be the first-ever witness to be sworn in on a copy of The Art of the Deal. And it would go downhill very quickly from there.
Hah I came to post about this.
I’d love to see comparisons between coverage of this impeachment and Clinton’s. That would expose the liberal media bias!
Ford’s pardoning of Nixon had a lot to do with this.
That’s very funny. Thanks. I’m totally going to steal that. (Cut to: Me mangling it at dinner, and my family looking at me with silent pity and horror.)
He’d lie, of course. And his supporters wouldn’t care.
Wait, so, this means it wasn’t damaging, right?
A damned important skill for diplomats. (Real ones, not GOP spoils appointees.)
AIUI, Fox News actual news reporting, while biased, is still reality-based and more or less reasonable.
It’s their endless opinion shows that bend, twist, and mutilate the facts in favor of a pro-Trump agenda.
For all the GOP SOBs who impeached Clinton because he “lied under oath”, I would LOVE for this to happen. The orange shitgibbon cannot go 90 seconds speaking without a lie, oath or no oath.
He & his surrogates keep saying that he can’t confront his accussers etc - then step right up, Bub.
I adore Thompson’s work. Time for a revisit…
I would argue that a startlingly large percentage of regular Fox Newsertainment viewers are unable to distinguish between the opinion pieces and the new pieces. At all.
If the Trump kids, WH people, and GOP leaders have even an ounce of self-preservation left, they’ll do their damnedest to keep Trump away from these hearings.
Not only would he perjure himself in an eyeblink, he’d keep on incriminating himself, throwing people under the bus to expand the investigation, and eventually be reduced to gibbering nonsense. “No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!”
In the Trump world record serial lying, treachery, and outlaw era there are no facts, truth, honesty, morality, ethics, honor, or national loyalty before self. Trump may know little and understand less but he did correctly sense the result of the mid 60’s Republican Southern Strategy and where he could find, appeal to, and recruit his fellow ignorant intolerant and mostly insecure to form his base. Now the threat of Trump’s minority 36% to 38% of America’s voters but majority of the Republican base has totally paralyzed the Republican Party. A now Trump GOP that has abandon their principles of law and order, family values, super patriotism, fiscal responsibility, almost blind support for law enforcement and our intelligence agencies, vehement opposition to our enemy Russia, even rational reality in favor of fantasy conspiracy theories and beliefs. It is a sad time for the Grand Old Party too afraid or weak to resist the lawless and dictatorial dark forces of ignorance, intolerance, and un-American self-centered Trumpism.
We’re very much dealing with a lot of lingering shit left over from Nixon. Mostly driven by various decisions to “let the country move on” by not charging a whole host of people, including slippery Dick. But there were a lot of legal and constitutional assumptions left unsettled and unquestioned through the whole process. Like the limits of presidential pardon power, executive privlege, and the base concept of absolute immunity. Trump has been using all those gaps to stall and hide behind.
Exactly. Thanks for filling in the gaps!
That was my favorite part. But really all they have to do is review some of President Trumps Rallies, Interviews and of course the “Transcript” of the “Perfect” call to realize he is guilty of bribery. We are just going through the motions here to keep it legal.