Fox's Chris Wallace to Reince Priebus "You don't get to tell us what to do."

I figure Fox and the mainstream GOP will play ball until the first time Trump actually vetoes a bill. Granted, this may not happen.

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I retract my pedantry.


They are the propaganda arm of the GOP, so they have forewarning on the kind of crazy that puts them out of work.

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Did you know that the primitive ancestors of man routinely retracted their pedantry? Some say it was done to ward off demons, others, that it was done as part of a complex fertility ritual…


the US clearly needs a nice war to keep the shit together and the people united behind the president


Which is terrifying. Their “pure” ideology will end up destroying the US and putting a “Christian” theocracy in it’s place.

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I don’t know… Maybe. That’s the only history we know, so we assume it’s correct. But maybe China was just ready to cross that bridge and anyone could have taken advantage of it. Remember, that although Nixon opened the door, the Carter Administration did a lot of heavy lifting on normalizing relations with China has well.


Most organs can’t give birth to babies, though. Which was what she meant about survival of most mammalian species.


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