Originally published at: Frank Grillo on moving from Marvel to DC films | Boing Boing
To be fair, he’s got a better future at DC if they give him a good long-term character.
MCU he’d be lucky to get screen time in the MetaMultiMegaverse … probably be played by a turtle or a bowl of Jello.
The hardest part of the transition is finding your way around the set without tripping over anything.
Camera! Action! Martha!
Well, he doesn’t have Guiding Light anymore.
(Okay, I admit that one was a stretch…)
Grillo was great up until that last Captain America film he was in. They done him dirty in that one. No sooner became a super villain but gets bumped off.
It’s the MCU/comics, though. It’s not like death is always permanent. Some Kang variant could always go back and pull him out of that timeline right before he died.
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