Free to troll here without fear of retribution

I see. According to the arbiter of all human knowledge (WP of course) it’s a converted Scottish patrolboat.

It actually looks pretty to me. But all that space on the forward deck is just begging for a gun battery or a set of centerline torpedo tubes. What do they use the forward deck for without the good stuff installed?

Also, it makes me sad that it only goes 12.5-16.5 knots. A boat that small can do all kinds of crazy speed. Unless a videogame lied to me. And that’d never happen.


I agree. But Australia’s not yet willing to go to war with Japan. I’d be happy to see a few more artificial reefs and a few less whalers, providing everybody gets off first.


That’s right. You can use ships to build things too. Not just blow stuff up…

Like a floating cannery. But in a way that doesn’t ruin ecosystems.


Looks like Zodiac storage. They use them to run prop-fouling lines under whaling ships.


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