Freedom of Information Access ninjas force Gavin McInnis out of the Proud Boys

You can take the boy out of the Proud Boys, but you can’t take the Proud Boys out of the boy.


That SFPL link has a list of stuff he said through the years. Ugh. The worst kind of racist bullshit.

I’m only highlighting this in a vain attempt to make @euansmith laugh…

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“I was into these dudes before anybody. Used to party with them allll the time. Asked me to be their manager… called bullshit on that. Managing a mainstream hate group…hey, that ain’t no job for no man.”

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what could be more hilarious than if this self-avowed “ultra-nationalist” ends up stateless


I was thinking more South Park/NAMBLA shaming…

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Ah! A hipster Nazi.

Wikipedia’s picture even looks like him, or more likely, the reverse.

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Nah, pretty sure he has Canadian citizenship.

I am surprised Maurice Strong is not harassing him.

Wikipedia pop culture articles are junk — every idiot who reads them feels a need to add their own little improvements — but for sure, Gavin McInnes is the original hipster Nazi, the original ironic racist comedian who got tossed out of the cool kids’ club because it turned out his racism was neither ironic nor funny. All the others are imitations.

Sounds like he’s not very proud. I wouldn’t be if my gender was the only advantage I held in life either. It must suck to be as pathetic as McInnis…

There is nothing new under the sun…


As a gay man, I’ve thought that “Proud Boys” was a very confusing name ever since I first heard it. At least it’s not as bad as the clunky name of their affiliate group, the “Proud Boys Girls”. They’re not marketing wizards, obviously. I suggest they either drop the redundant ‘Boys’, or at least add an apostrophe to it that signals their willingness to be chattel, thus making it easier to land a date with a white nationalist.

As always, the REAL victims! /s

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And today, he’s announcing the formation of The Appreciative Boys.


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