Originally published at: Freya weighs 600kg, she's "unwittingly destructive," and she's having the best hot girl summer | Boing Boing
We had a walrus show up in Hamina and Kotka, on the Gulf of Finland, a little while ago.
Unfortunately, that walrus, named Stena, ended up dying because she didn’t find enough food there.
Poor thing. She just wants to nap.
Can you boop a walrus on the schnozz? I mean, more than once, that is. Asking for a friend.
Hello Claims office, Yeah a walrus bent my boat, is that covered?
I looked it up. Marine life is not included in most regular boat insurance (sharks, whales, kracken). You likely have to buy supplemental.
I hope she can team up with Wally who wreaked havoc from Ireland to Wales to Scilly to Iceland last year and they can go on a pinipedal Viking rampage with the kids.
But I’m just a hopeless romantic.
She killed a swan a couple of weeks ago. She’s the hero we both need and deserve.
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