Originally published at: Sad news: Freya the walrus Freya the walrus | Boing Boing
Rest in peace you big beautiful buck-toothed mermaid.
Nobody went for the obvious ‘euthanize members of the public until they stop messing with the walrus’ option? I’m pretty sure that would have worked as well.
You’re not the only person who thought of that.
Does this make sense to anyone? Either the title (“Freya the walrus Freya the walrus”) or
“Freya the walrus, who had been spending the summer frolicking around Europe, and most recently had taken up residence in a Norwegian fjord, Freya the walrus by the Norwegian government after they urged the public to stay away from her.”
Now I picture a lonely sailor.
Title and content are borked.
They protected her by
*checks notes
…murdering her?
As in “allowing” Freya to kill an annoying member of the annoying public, with that finally frightening off the public. For the record, I wouldn’t be okay with that. For the record.
I mean… you could just euthanize the humans that got too close for the protection of the walrus…
This is why we can’t have nice things
Of course if someone was killed by the walrus, all that would happen is another person thinking “that wont happen to me” and getting killed too
Darwin is a tough “mother” when it comes to swimming with and throwing stuff at 1500 lb. wild animals.
Fuck that and fuck everyone. I’m done.
I’m a far cry from a PETA activist, but this just makes me mad. People need to take responsibility for themselves. It’s not like this walrus is going to go on a mad killing spree. If you don’t want to get hurt, stay away from it. If you choose not to stay away from it and get hurt/killed, then it’s your own damn fault. Killing the animal for just being itself is not an acceptable response.
I wait… what the fuck did I just read? We’re going to kill the animal because you people just won’t heed the warnings… HUMANS SUCK.
“I accidentally the walrus.”
“Goo goo goo job”
Recursive reboings?