From the outside, it's impossible to tell if Trump is staging a coup or totally incompetent

I hope I don’t get an illegal seizure over this kind of argument.

This is no coup d’etat, orange is not the new black, and even a handcuffed five-year old can probably tell the difference between an example of injustice (particular case or executive order) and a forceful sudden ousting of the current executive power.

This doesn’t make the shit less smelly. Seriously, we really should digest our own stuff properly before having a scoop out of that bowl.

This made me think of the marshmallow experiment, especially because the original conclusion turned out to be wrong. It isn’t a measure of self-control, it’s a measure of what the person’s life has been like up to that point. Delicious irony: the fact that the “white person in Kentucky” example would almost certainly believe that a black child would be the one unable to trust that there really would be more if they waited 5 minutes, but that’s exactly what they themselves are doing.


True. Unfortunately I think the message that a lot of them are getting with the examples they’re seeing is that they haven’t been bigoted enough. Being subtle about racism, sexism, homophobia and other dog whistles apparently isn’t as successful as being blatant and open about it.


I think it’s best to err on the side of caution here. Even if it’s bumbling, they are certainly inadvertently testing the system, and the system is not used to people doing things this way and seems to have no way to react.


Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!


Trump is incompetent.

Bannon is staging a coup.


I won’t click ‘like’ as that really doesn’t fit the sentiment. But you make a valid point.
2017, the year the political masks really slipped…

I think the question of whether Trump is competent ought to be settled by now. We don’t have a few hundred parallel realities to see how to deals with different crises, but I think it’s pretty clear by how badly he was baited and humiliated by Clinton during the election that he has only mode and can’t switch gears to deal with different situations and that his one mode of doing things generates very poor results for him a lot of the time.

But there’s a separate question - is the current system vulnerable to takeover by someone who acts the way Trump does. Going all in every hand is incompetent poker play, but it’s going to win sometimes. I would have told you that America was quite vulnerable to Trump because of it’s politicized courts (you probably don’t understand how deeply I mean the word “politicized” as a insult here, it’s a shade away from “non-existent”). I’m encouraged to see that America is less vulnerable than I thought because a huge swath of people are not taking this lying down.

But I’m still worried because I think if he lasts long enough to make two supreme court nominations America might basically be out of luck as far as the courts go. I’m not sure how many people will have continue a fight if legal options are expended. Also, the news coverage I see of resistance is all about places where no one likes Trump. People aren’t resisting unconstitutional orders all over the country, they are resisting them only in the places that largely already considered Trump illegitimate. America is bifurcating more and more. While people in New York are starting legal battles, taking to the streets, and bravery supporting victims of these orders, customs officials in Texas are using Trump’s orders as an excuse to maliciously keep breastfeeding infants from their moms. It still feels like Trump could unravel America.


I’m hoping somehow the SCOTUS stays at 8 members the entire time, preventing precedent from being made.


Precedent can still be made, but they need a 5-3 margin instead of a 5-4 one.


What we need is a first world education system, and yes this does mean more money. Money that is divided between public schools on a basis of equity not equality. Idiocracy, general ignorance, and a desire to stay uninformed are only some of the many symptoms caused by a failed education system.


…Particularly since virtually all Republicans are impervious to evidence; in that case, there’s no daylight between malice and ignorance.


I think perhaps anti-intellectualism is a carefully cultivated mindset that comes before a denigrated education system.


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