I hate exam week. I’m about to plunge into some hardcore studying, but I hate how little time I’ve been able to devote to studying through the semester. I didn’t sleep last night trying to get caught up on the exam this morning, and when I got home I fell asleep until recently, leaving me with less time than I would like to study for tomorrow’s exams.
Today got off to a shitty start too. Driving over to campus I got to an intersection without a protected left, and there was a cyclist there, coming up in the opposing lane. I gave have him right of way, and because it happened to be where I was going, I turned to end up behind him. He was maybe twelve feet in front of me and I was moving pretty slow because I had just turned from a complete stop. It was a very short turning lane, so I was content to stay behind him until I turned into where I was headed. All of a sudden he stops, gets off of his bike and throws up his arms in “come at me, bro” pose and yells, “You got a fucking problem?” My reaction was really just, erm… no… not really. I don’t know what he wanted from me. Maybe he was expecting me to open my door and get out, or my window to have a shouting match. I just did what I’ve decided I will do from now on if someone does this again: I just looked at him until he realized I wasn’t going to engage him and he bicycled off.
Pro-tip to aggressive road ragers, getting on your bicycle and pedaling off is not the most badass way to leave a situation. I was more baffled than angry, but it left a sour taste in my mouth for the better part of the morning. Then I get home and discover parking tickets from my university that A) Add up to well over a hundred bucks. B) That I never received on my windshield ever. C) When I rarely parked there and always in pay to park garages. D) From two years ago. First notice.
I am not looking forward to the waste of time that will be straightening this out.