Fuck Today (Part 1)

Heh, Jeff tweedy had a way of releasing songs that described my exact circumstances as they are happening. It still feels creepy. And we aren’t talking universal truths, but more like cold reading. From a record.

And guess who dropped their latest album last night. Tweedy is stalking me.


God, I could give such a crazy series of coindences with this song, and I got this earworm last night on Prime.

Eta #2

Also his last name is fucking Tweedy. Tweedy

Also, for the regulars (@monkeyoh I’m lookin at you)


Middle age that magic time in your life when you can throw your back out just sitting at the dining room table working on a spreadsheet! See this is why i dont pay my bills on time! It’s dangerous.

This post brought to you from my living room floor and mass amounts of OTC muscle relaxants. Yay Canada!


Ouch, that’s terrible. :frowning2:

Why am I not Canadian? :crying_cat_face:


Maybe one day, after this upcoming election, we can all become Canadian… ?


We did not know that muscle relaxants are controlled in the US… until we were traveling there and needed some. Like wtf… why are they controlled? Are they afraid people.might relax or not be in pain for a few hours? Sudafed fine whatever control your meth issues sure. But muscle relaxants? Seriously? Why?


We are thinking of taking a trip to BC to stock up on codeine visit the Vancouver Aquarium.


I asked someone who was old enough to know and he was like “Shut up, that’s what alcohol is for.” (He said it in good humor on the ‘shut up’ part but seriously didn’t understand why there should be OTC muscle relaxants.)


Mexico has them OTC, too. I threw out my back during a scuba diving trip (Cozumel), and I was able to get some Robaxin from the pharmacy.

(Why anyone would want to abuse those horse pills, I have no idea. No euphoria as far as I can remember. My dog was on them for some time and she could smell how bad they taste. Of all the medications that we had to give her, those pills were the hardest to give, paws down.)


… because what if you have cramps? Or you pull a muscle in your back? Why do I need to see a doctor? Is dumb!


Do you WANT socialism? Because this is how you get socialism!


Yes please.


I allowed myself the selfishness of flouncing in self-anger today, but you know what? First off, my flouncing is excellent. The second is every day I get less angry and less ‘fuck you’.

It’s really nice to know that this is a bad day, because I chose it. I’ll overshare on the reg. forum why this week ahead of me is gonna rule.


Oh ffs, a Google image search for Flounce brings up:


Hope you didn’t do too bad in your exams, don’t know much about the subject but did work for VG analytical Ltd for a while.

I can imagine the subject is very complex but you should take a look at what goes into the machines they make, a lot of precision engineering!

Windoze 10 user?

Apparently, an aunt who has had breast cancer has taken a turn for the worse this weekend. Waiting to hear how bad off things are.


Awesome. I had a lot of angry fuck you a couple years ago. It took a lot of work to get it from a traumatic burden to a useful tool I have in my toolkit and take out only when needed, and then put away afterwards. No fun at all when your angry fuck you hammer is superglued to your dominant hand.


Your family has been especially hard hit recently. Are you OK?


I know! Since 2010, 6 cases of cancer on both sides (or is that 7?)… with half being in remission.

We thought my aunt was okay, but last year, she went in for an unrelated procedure and they found breast cancer cells in her stomach lining. She’d been taking medication to keep them from spreading, but the last time we chatted, a month ago, I guess, she said that they had changed medications because they’d shown some growth.

I’m okay. Angry, mostly. Really kind of angry. And sad. Linda is an awesome woman and I’d hate to lose her so soon.


I’m sorry to hear this, @Mindysan33. Another hug for you, and fuck 2016 and cancer!