Fuck Today (Part 1)

Where exactly did they learn the details of this situation? Just because they saw it in “the news” doesn’t mean it isn’t yet another Fox fabrication. Just like all those people with “nice cars and jewelry” using SNAP. If she’s in line with them, how would she know what car they drove? How would she know the necklace didn’t cost $4.99, or was handed down from grandma, or was something purchased before everyone in the family lost their jobs and they found themselves in dire straits?

Don’t get sucked into it too. Protect yourself.


Don’t you know, poor people deserve nothing but scorn and derision? How else will they know their place, and mine. /s

The only time you look in your neighbor’s bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your neighbor’s bowl to see if you have as much as them. — Louis CK

I guess I am lucky to be coming from a place where i’ve evicted all the toxic selfish people from my life. Selfish is good to a point, walking all over people is just not.


It is less ‘getting sucked in’ and more the fact I cannot adiquetly argue the point without resorting to ‘maybe.’

Also they bitch at me for ‘not giving trump a chance after telling them to let Obama have one.’ Trump had Eight Years to show the kind of person he was. He lead the ‘Obama is a kenyen’ bullshit. That said just because I do not want to give him a chance does not mean I want him impeached or that these ‘I will blindly obstruct’ people are folk I agree with.

That said my stepdad’s ‘you SHOULD feel uncomfortable in my house libtars, just like all your democrat buddies’ line… Bothers me. I don’t think he will resort to physical action but for neither parent to see how in my position I am not more than a little afraid of what MIGHT happen given both are tempermental at times and act before they think at points? (Where do you think I get it from? I have severe anger issues. I am no saint by any means.)

I tried talking to them, and while mom was acting biased she at least made it feel more like a debate… Sorta. Kinda.

I feel like shit I can’t get them to understand past politics I feel like my continued ‘good fortune at having a roof over your head and food in your belly and internet to bitch on’ is entirely dependant on them and that frightens me more than a little.

What’s worse is the debate continued breaking down over immigrant status and their insistance on anyone got kicked out with a visa ‘didn’t get it legally or it expired’ and ‘you are a VERY smart person but we invalidate everything you say because you don’t job’ then going on and on and on at how fake everyone is on Facebook.

FMLif that’s the case stop saying I’m smart or act like I get to have an opinion if it’s this constant pat on the head and ‘here is how the real world works go back to fantasy libtard land.’


Are there any programs in your area for people on disability? There might be group homes, day centers with a van to pick you up and drop you off, even work programs. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and away from them as much as possible. They are harming your health.


Um, it should, that’s psychologically abusive. If you document it for a while you could ruin him legally, but I’d be more concerned with getting yourself somewhere safe and removing the influence of that person from your life.

That it isn’t easy may be a sign that it’s time to ask for some help. There are resources for YOU. They are your RIGHT.

And by the way, you should not be grateful for a roof pendulously hung over your head to be taken away, potentially, on a whim, over a tangential disagreement. That is not something to show gratitude for. That is utterly UTTERLY contemptuous.


I don’t have too many more Fuck Today’s.

I quit a job I hated, and have interviews with ones I’m optimistic about.
Both my parents love me, are worried about me, but frankly I am more worried about them.
I finally ended an abusive relationship.

So yeah, kinda Fuck Today. But I see a light at the end of the tunnel and it ain’t a train.


trick question, isn’t it? the answer is “road tunnel”, of course.


Well, we can mince words (or insects) but SnowPiercer might be the automatic optimistic way I feel :slight_smile:


Here is to hoping. It can’t rain every day and the cold cannot be always bitter.


Nothing that isn’t booked months in advance for or I don’t qualify for because I’m too capable.

So if you reserve a space today you’ll be at the front of the line by April or May? Do it.


I am so beyond hope. In the most positive way. I will make my own luck, I will be courteous to jerks, and I will work my butt off to nurture those I love and cherish.

That’s my job, and I am proud to do it.


Try June/July and it’s only for medical needs type servicing.

Right now I’m waiting for the constant renovations to stop so I can go in town for a bit without feeling like I’m skipping out on work. I live close enough so it’s not bad. It’s just too much everything else.


I got a update for windows 10 last week. My computer has gone from being stable to requiring multiple reboots every day. It’s my gaming PC, which I use to cope with the worst of my depression and PTSD (shooting pixels is infinitely preferable to shooting real people, no matter how arsehole-ish they are currently being). Steam just refuses to remain open for longer than about 10 minutes.

It was on deferred updates so I could avoid this kind of shit happening. I really don’t need this right now.


Sure as hell is! I can be snarky, but I am in the mood to help and not not harp.

It sounds like your power supply is going out. Or a cable is in its last legs. I would recommend opening your tower, carefully reseating all your cables, give it a rest (capacitors), then try again.

If that doesn’t work, it is your power supply.

If that doesn’t work, you have a subtle short (cardboard works magic)

If that doesn’t work, then it gets 'spensive.


Now that you mention it my guess would also be the power supply. While moving I found that several surge protectors were no longer functioning properly. It just seemed odd that all the problems started after an update with no signs of trouble before.

Maybe it was just about working before and it just crossed over to failing at the same time as the update.


I think you are following the right trail. They fail often, and are cheap to replace.

Good luck, and happy gaming.


Late last night found out that the blanket mom has ha for at least twenty years, probably longer, got shredded. Our fault for having box where dog could get to it (I did not pack the boxes) but still it annoys me because my dog.

Stepdad has been surprisingly and refreshingly not gonzo over this. Given he’s the one that put the boxes up I expect he’s internally beating himself up over it, but I half expected him to lose it.

Waverley… Something. It’s rose on one side stripe on the other and discontinued.

Annoyed because I feel obligated to find a way to secure a replacement. I mean fine wasn’t my idea to use the storage building as a dog house, but it’s still my dog.


Given all the crap from them that you’ve reported (and your words have been heard here, even if some of us haven’t said anything), I wouldn’t feel too obligated.

It wasn’t your idea, and just because they’re acting, well, sane and reasonable for once (and not having a go at you. For once.) doesn’t wipe all the crap, and still doesn’t make it your responsibility.

I hope I’m not speaking out of turn - if I am, tell me and I’ll apologise and shut up.


I mean I get where you are coming from, but while I shouldn’t feel obligated I do want to show them this is a positive direction by extending a hand out and go ‘This might have mostly been your goof but it’s still my dog. I would like. Help square ts.’

Less moral approach or posturing; I’m guilt tripping them about this with their own sense of responsibility since I’m the guy that doesn’t have going ‘help me find a way to fix this.’