I needed some statements from family members as references for my ASD diagnosis (which I was given yesterday). This meant some fairly painful discussions with my parents about times in my life that I’d rather forget. TL;DR: autism is not the same as rebellion, and you can’t beat it out of children (ADHD is not the same as laziness either, and shaming kids for having it doesn’t help).
I’m working on a project for a new company at the moment too, and I can’t concentrate at all. This is some of the best paid work I’ve had yet, and I may lose it before I get the chance to show them what I’m normally capable of. It’s going to be a long night…
ETA: I love my parents, but they are so evangelical… they knew that explaining things to me or giving me alone time to cool down was more effective, but that isn’t proper punishment, is it? Funnily enough, I was always worse after physical punishment and well-behaved normally, but they kept doing it…