Fuck Today (Part 1)

My very right-wing in-laws arrive tomorrow. It was supposed to be a surprise for Ms. Pane for her birthday, and came with a requirement to get vaccinated before arrival. Been working on this with them for 6 weeks, and it was “yep, we’re working on it. Yep, we’re getting it scheduled.” We are vaccinated, our kids are not (just approved yesterday!!) and we live in a high-risk area. The in-laws told me yesterday that they’re not getting vaccinated, but are coming today anyway,. They also told my wife they were coming, spoiling the surprise and placing some pressure not to cancel. She’s pissed, I’m pissed, and because they are one cog in a larger surprise (the rest of which she doesn’t know about) it’s very difficult to say “stay the fuck away.” Assholes.

So, fuck today, and fuck the next few days. I think I’ll move to Australia.