Fucking NY Times (and WaPo assholes)

Ah, I had created:

To allow a space for those of us with TV channels of record to have a place to comment about them. RTE and the Irish times for example have a similar kind of bothsiderism, a knowing arch tone, scolding and superior.

In point of fact when you take a corpus of text from, say, the NYT, the Grauniad, the Sydney Morning Herald, and the Irish Times it is, in aggregate, the exact fucking same thing.

It’s the same vocabulary with some little local colour. It’s the same proportion of verbs, adverbs, and nouns. It’s the same reading level. It is the language of Seious News for Serious People. And that language is as without fear or favour as the law herself (who in its blessed majesty forbids the rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to steal bread etc.)
Editing went way awry and deleted a chunk in the middle. I think it’s back being vaguely comprehensible.