Funeral parlor owner arrested for leaving corpse in hearse... for two years

Originally published at:


the discovery of 190 decaying bodies in a building run by the Return to Nature Funeral Home in Penrose, Colorado, about two hours south of Denver

Truth in advertising.


Awwww come on! Y’all thought of posting this…

Another one of these “how can you stand the smell of a dead body for so long” stories. Especially if you have access to a crematorium??

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What, and pay for all that natural gas? /s

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Article says the funeral director responsible had pretty much burned his bridges with the local crematorium operators. (Not literally, of course—he couldn’t afford to have anything burned at that point.)

Denver Police Cmdr. Matt Clark previously said that Harford acknowledged to police that he owed money to several crematories in the area and that none would cremate the woman’s body, so he decided to store it in the hearse.

His business had “cremation services” in the name, but it seems that part of the job was outsourced.


Ah, I see. Welp, I feel like I’d go bury the body some where vs have it in my care for over a year. Just dump it at the crematorium, no givies backies?

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That smell’s not gonna come out of the upholstery…

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