G/O Media's first AI-written content is error-strewn plagiarized "dogshit". That's what editors there say, anyway.

Originally published at: G/O Media's first AI-written content is error-strewn plagiarized "dogshit". That's what editors there say, anyway. | Boing Boing


Closed the comments? They knew this was going to be a shitshow


So, the internet, essentially


There’s something I’m missing… if it bypassed the editorial team, how did it get there? It seems almost like this was a stunt to demonstrate how crappy AI-generated content will be.


Comments would be a shit show regardless of the content. Most sites should turn off their comments permanently (Boing Boing being one of the few exceptions to that rule).


Needless to say (so why say it?) this very post shall be scraped/ingested to form the basis of the next “Write five paragraphs on why AI written content is deficient” prompt (perhaps even this sad comment. in which case so much depends upon tutti frutti, oh rootie, a wop bop a loo bop a lop bom bom)


ask and ye shall receive

ETA: Didn’t specify five paragraphs

AI written content is deficient for several reasons. First, AI systems lack the human ability to understand the context, nuance, and purpose of the text they generate. They often produce irrelevant, inaccurate, or nonsensical sentences that do not convey the intended message. Second, AI systems have limited creativity and originality. They rely on existing data and algorithms to generate text, which can result in plagiarism, repetition, or clichés. Third, AI systems have difficulty with grammar, syntax, and style. They often make errors or inconsistencies that reduce the readability and quality of the text. Therefore, AI written content is deficient compared to human written content.


Shoot now I want to read it tho…


They’ve acknowledged the clone wars fix. The adding of the missing series is not indicated.

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It is amazing how far the Gawker nee (I forgot) nee G/O sites have fallen. Around 15 years ago, I spent most of my browsing reading and commenting on multiple blogs of theirs. It’s been quite a decline to now. I still have a few G/O sites bookmarked, but I only hit them a few times a week. I also never comment anymore because Kinja is a terrible platform to use.


It really is “AI” in a nutshell, isn’t it? Banal, basic content - that it still gets wrong, making it useless (and whoever posted it didn’t realize that), bypassing the editor but filled with errors that now requires their labor to fix… “AI” just becomes another way of externalizing costs onto the remaining writers/editors and readers.


Current writing AI = chimps with typewriters.


ETA: Prompt - AI Chimp with typewriter


Now do a dictionary in a blender.



Io9 and the pre-G/O AV Club were my most-frequented internet haunts in the 00s and 10s. Their loss is sorely missed!


And of forcing writers to be redefined as editors of machine garbage, so they can be paid less, have fewer union protections, and many of them can be fired. There was a great Citations Needed episode on this recently.


Though as of late some (most of them?) boing boing articles are missing a link to the forum discussion, so you need to manually find it in the forums.

The comments on posts/articles/videos are usually the most appealing thing for me. If comments are switched off or seriously degraded, I will consider dropping the website from my rss feeds.

When Gawker Media changed to the current style of comments with hiding pending (making it hard to just see every single comment) it really disrupted the whole comment reading/responding process. It took additional time to find a response to one’s comment, as response was likely pending.

The G/O Media purchase sadly did not improve the comment experience.


Yeah, this is something writers in the WGA strike have been making clear - they’re not afraid that “AI” will produce work good enough to replace them. They’re worried that “AI” will produce shit, and they’ll be hired to “edit” it (i.e. write it entirely themselves) for less money, no credit, and the same (or even greater) amount of work. Similar dynamics are going to be happening in various other, unrelated industries that adopt “AI.”


I respectfully disagree, at least when it comes to news articles. Opinion pieces? Sure, let’s let commentators reply to those and weigh in, everyone’s opinion is important. But on regular news articles, no way. There are subreddits and other places for those discussions, not on the news site itself. The news should be the news, without the cesspool of right-wing commentary that always takes over those places. And I mean NO COMMENTS at all. None. Zip. Read the news, move on with your day, just like we all used to when we read newspapers every day.