Gadget solves first-world peanut butter problems

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I need a full report on the measured amount of PB left in the jar the normal methods and the amount wasted on this device that gets rinsed down the drain.

Just want to know if it is really saving anything or not.


I’ve had too soft bread ripped apart by peanut butter before but it was never the hydrogenated oil kind. It was always natural peanut butter that tends to get thicker and denser as I get to the bottom of the jar (maybe I’m not mixing it well enough). Still I hate the taste of the sugary (jiff skippy etc) kind since I tried the real stuff. No going back.

The pictures there look like the hydrogenated kind. Even when my natural peanut butter is thoroughly mixed it’s way too thick for a pump to work methinks.


Has to also compare amount of water used to wash device and jar vs rinsing traditionally used jar.

storing the jar in the cupboard upside down might help


Someday we’ll see gadget packages in stores with a little “As Seen on IndieGogo” or “As Seen on Kickstarter” label in the corner.


With a holographic mascot tailored to the individual consumer and prepared to point out companion products based on that consumers buying habits.

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I thought that this might be a device for mixing my peanut butter and maybe a little song and dance as well.
As it is, no sale.

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I presume this is for smooth peanut butter, which is by all definitions the worst kind. I’m all about that chunk.


Even then, your average grocery-store-brand creamy is a lot less liquidy-looking that whatever they are using there.


You rinse a used jar?

I’m apparently a monster who just tosses it as is.

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The only suitable home for peanut butter products is in the trash. That includes revolting Reeses pieces that decieve you into thinking youre about to eat a yummy M&M.

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I think it depends on what kind of PB they’re using. The one in the gif looks like it has added oil, i tend to buy the more natural kind that has no added sugar or oil. I certainly don’t mind it separating, takes a few seconds to mix it back together.

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Well yeah, it has to be clean in order to recycle it.


Still waiting on hydrophobic/oleophobic coatings in bottles and jars


Are those coatings a separate chemical? Or is it a texture thing? I ask because I wonder if that is recyclable?

It is a coating as far as i know, but i don’t think it’d render something unrecyclable. Wouldn’t be terribly different from protective coatings inside current tin cans.


The best way to get the last of the peanut butter out of the jar is to toss it to the squirrels.


According to the video, it’s a micro texture on the surface of the container material, which is engineered to trap a thin liquid layer that creates a buffer between the contents and the container, so the contents essentially floats above the container surface. The liquid can be made of many substances, including components of the food product itself. It seems like a very cool idea.

I have a feeling though that it isn’t in the manufacturers’ commercial interests to eliminate this kind of waste…:wink:


Doesn’t that just put the oil on the bottom of the jar?