I’m already familiar with piccolodick, and always assumed it was consensual. The fact that they’re having sex, and how ridiculous the image itself is, is the joke here. Whether or not it’s rape has nothing to do with the humor, at least for me.
And KYM gives no reasons backing up their assumption that it’s rape. They assume it, based on nothing.
Would it make it better if I gave my real name etc? I can if need be, just didn’t think it was relevant.
But anyhoo… I’m still not defending those who did the harassment and death threats. I’m sure I called it “criminal and idiotic”. The point I’m trying to circle around is that just because they use different weapons and fight on different battlefields, doesn’t make the sides that much different. Like the adage that a boy will punch you, but a girl will make you punch yourself (which is false, since I’ve seen girls who were quite happy to do the punching), but both are fighting.
It applies perfectly. Conclusion: we allow, encourage and expect certain forms of censorship, such as board moderation, for example.
I am gleefully happy in my lack of any specific information on this issue.
I did however feel the unfortunate need to point out that there does seem to be sides, and they all appear to be sadly similar in some aspects.
The too sides are not that much different… because one side makes death and rape threats (“punch you”), and the other side that is receiving death and rape threats, makes the one side make the death and rape threats (“make you punch yourself”)?
I am getting more and more confused here.
Is it possible, in a fight, for one person to be the instigator/agressor, and the other be defending themselves? Or are we prohibiting self-defense?
No, you made a HUGE false equivalency. I note that you don’t provide any actual proof that the harassed women speaking out are doing any of what you claim.
And ah,yes! You “don’t have any money in this game.”
yet more dismissing and downplaying of the seriousness of this topic, by a man. This isn’t a game. Death and rape threats aren’t fucking games. Your privilege is showing.
and calling women who speak out against harassment and death and rape threats “raving loons”??? What’s next, are you going to call them hysterical?
yep. Huge false equivalence with a side of ignorant, dismissive sexism.
If you are gleefully happy to not know anything about it, maybe there isn’t a really good reason to argue at length as if you did know something. Flying and falling are similar in a great many respects, but when you are on a plane you might strongly prefer one to the other.
Don’t you love when people, especially men, admit they don’t care about the topic of misogyny and harassment of women, and also admit to not having any knowledge of the subject, and yet still feel the need to explain to us - including the women who have direct experience of this subject matter - their uneducated and unsupported opinions, and also explain to us how we should act or speak about the subject?
isn’t there a word for this? Hmmm.
I meant that one side of a hypothetical fight uses physical violence and the other psychological, to illustrate the whole “different weapons and different battlefields” thing I mentioned a bit earlier. I do apologize for any confusion.
I did not mean all that in the literal sense nor that the boy and girl in the example are in the same fight. I was an admittedly poorly worded reference to what quite a few stand-up comedians have joked about.
In hindsight I should probably have been more clear and stated that while the gaters seem to rely on harassment and other more and less criminal and dubious means, the anti-gaters seem to act on a more legal and open means. But both sides are looking like they wish plenty of bad things on the opposition.
And for the record, I am not counting the people who have received actual threats or harassment in either anti- or pro-side, in this they are purely civilian victims. Them speaking out is just as poignant as any victim of war.
Yes, because shouting at them is what the harassers want, a reaction. Shouting at them has never changed them. In Britain there has even been a few occasions where the news or some other instance has confronted internet hatemongers in person, with cameras and everything. And even that hasn’t changed their mode of behavior.
So doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is loony.
All of gamergate is tainted. ALL OF IT. If you are on the side of gamergate, you are on the side of those sending death threats, etc. There is no middle ground. If you support gamergate, you support the harassment of women.
Quite right. And I do apologize if my opinion has upset people. Just to use your “flying and falling” simile, I just felt that there were people going downwards at a worrying rate, with some being on a plane that could still pull up.
I’m sure that’s pretty frustrating. However, I would say that in the fight for gender equality and the condemnation of suppression of women that men (in general) will be your biggest ally. I’d like to see the discussion focus more on the actual perpetrators of hate (GG).
Stop digging, holy fuck. The women speaking out against harassment and death threats are not loony. You are attempting to silence women who are receiving death threats. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. And your opinions on a subject you admit to not having full knowledge of have just crossed the border to blatant sexism.
Put your condescending worrying and non-apology where the sun doesn’t shine.
Are you fucking kidding me here? He isn’t an ally! He even says as much. No, we do not have to be nice to our oppressors and silencers. He called us loony for speaking out. He is part of the problem, not an ally. He even admits he doesn’t care about this subject. How he an ally?? Your reply is nearly as condescending as his!
Thanks for the clarification.
But you should also know that “ignoring the trolls” is not considered good advice when said trolls are handing out threats. It may well be that 99.999% of those threats are jokes.
But that still leaves 1 in 10,000 that are real threats. Which are not a good idea to avoid.
I wasn’t talking about Norzhi. I totally support you on this.
I was talking about your specifically including “men” as the problem as if being a man automatically makes you ignorant on this issue.
IMO, men have the responsibility to end this kind of harassment.
Except gamergate formed as a means to attack those people, and to the extent that there is an “anti-” side at all, it is just those of us disgusted with those attacks. If the victims speaking out means something to you, you might read through what Quinn says about “neutrality”.
Pull the other one, it has bells.
I don’t see a board setting their own standards, and moderators enforcing those standards for the board’s own discussions, as potential censorship.
(Unless they’re the government, or the internet company, or some comparable monopoly, of course.)
I see derailers, griefers, and spammers, among others, disrupting the board’s discussions, driving people away from the board’s discussions, etc. as potential censorship, because that can make it harder to discuss certain things, to create safer spaces to discuss certain things, etc.