Gardening, Part 2

This makes total sense. It does do that! Sometimes all the fruit. It just seems to be going the extra mile this season. Maybe we’ll get more than 2 lemons!


This has been my experience. Still get sufficient for my needs, but always looks like it will huge, only to self-prune to “just OK.”


Would pruning now help?


Not usually a good thing to prune while they are blooming. Takes a lot of energy to bloom, not enough to heal the wounds.


Spring mushroom buckets going. 5 lion’s mane, 6 king oysters. Both are varieties i have tried previously with epic failure, but upon further reading, it is maybe just possible that mixing cool weather 'shrooms with VA summers might not be the best recipe for success. Also added some wheat germ to the lion’s mane, since they are supposed to like that. We shall see.


Seedlings are sprouting. Some spinach and peppers. These were set on 28 February. They’re a bit leggy because they were germinating on a windowsill instead of under my lights.

Three of the shelves are full now


We were working outside today because it was beautiful out and a couple of our flower beds are filled with cat poop from Mrs. Feral.

We have to assume parasites are present.

The question is, does anyone know of soil treatment that can kill parasites and not harm plants? I’m drawing a blank on Google.

We’re wearing gloves and going to remove a couple inches of soil to get all the poop but hookworms and roundworms still concern us.

Any thoughts?


whatcha got?
my seedlings were planted over a month ago (remember, i’m zone 11, so it’s already been “springtime” for weeks before the equinox). we already have our purple long beans coming in, with over a pound of beans harvested. going to use those in an epic stirfry with some humongous bell peppers given to us by our neighbor.
peppers (always) are giving it up and delicata squash taking off means we may have bested climate change this year.
shit gets hotter all the time and we may not get what we get now. soil temperature makes such a huge difference in when we can transfer seedlings to the garden. the fresh greens and mustard leaf is finished, even though i do have amaranth still trying to leaf out.
what i’m saying is:
what are your plans for this season and good gardening, comrade. may your gardens flourish in these weird climatic times.


So far I’ve started leafy greens (lettuce & spinach), a variey of peppers (banana, hungarian, bell, jalapeno, poblano, cayenne), an assortment of flowers (Zinnia, delphinium, echinacea) and various alliums (Walla-walla, white lisbon, leeks). Also some red cabbage and kohlrabi.

I’m in zone 5b. In theory the latest frost is late April but we’ve had snow in mid-may. Ill be starting my peas this week, beans shortly after, and tomatoes in early April. My problem with tomatoes is I quickly run out of room indoors.

Plans for this year’s garden are here.


attack of the killer tomatoes coolidge after midnite GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre


Yup, exactly like that.


I read that another way (it’s late)


Puberty loooove

There. Better?

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Some random indoor gardening stuff… the cilantro I put into my aerogarden did not come up, so instead I put some seeds in a pot that lives right next to the aerogarden, and look how well it’s doing!


couldn’t decide if this thread or cooking thread, so here it is (since this just came from the garden an will be salad later):

garden greens for dinner salad include amaranth, arugula, some wild lettuce leaves amd red mustard leaf.also chopping up the long beans fresh as well as two tiny habaneros. will dress with a lovely sesame ginger dressing. may broil some grouper filets to go with.
garden is going great here before the brutal heat that will be here any day now.


Same! I’m glad the broccoli will produce soon, it doesn’t do the heat very well. The tomatoes will stop producing for a few weeks when it gets too hot for the pollen to stay viable, but then get going once it cools down.

I hope this is enough shine and clink to keep that thieving mockingbird out of the strawberries. It’s probably more than one bird but I’ve only seen the cheeky one. If they would just steal an entire berry to eat instead of biting 6, I would be happy to share.

Shishito peppers are coming along nicely. We prefer them red

Purple jalapeno has also set some fruit

Pretty sure we planted these a month ago. No more than six weeks. 4 inch seedlings at the time



Found this “interesting-looking” fungus poking out of the leaf litter this weekend

It has a NSFW nickname.


:joy: very appropriate name tho!


Cool info!


Shocked Excuse Me GIF by Back Row Radio