Originally published at: Gawker's back | Boing Boing
Worth it for the juxtaposition of Matt Gaetz’s connection to Jon Benet Ramsey and Lisa Murkowski’s photo.
but we strive to honor the past and embrace the present.
Well in that case, you’ve got your work cut out for you.
Christ, what an awfully designed website.
Now we can all get the answer to the question of where all the mid-1990s designers for Wired went.
But, hey, no Kinja – that’s a plus.
Claire Carusillo on the unvarying Disney nose sported by celebrity rhinoplastees;
OH thank God they are back. Where else would we find an endless scroll of tight shots of celebrity faces to… er… gawk at their noses.
Oh boy, I’m getting excited.
Yikes. No kidding. To all of the above.
WTF with Kinja on the old “gawker” sites?? I really only participate on Jalopnik, and it’s always been bad, but somehow it’s now worse. Like I literally cannot half the time find when someone replies to a comment of mine - I’m not in the greys. It’s so terrible.
It’s good to see Peter Thiel’s work undone in some form.
Yes, human horn is known to have that effect.
What’s the difference between a gawk a peer and a ogle?
Nice to see Xeni make a cameo.
I’m a fan of the design, personally. It’s very avant-garde tabloid.
I have to rank “Katy Perry’s German Madame Tussaud’s Wax Figure Arranged Humorously During the Novel Coronavirus has the nose” right up there with Tucker Carlson in his woodshop.
I second that; I’ve been an io9 reader for years, and the last formatting change made checking out what content there still is pretty much impossible to follow. (And don’t get me started on the declining quality of said articles…) It took days of commenters complaining to even get a Latest articles section (chronological view), and it’s not much help. Plus Kinja is forever broken. I never commented much, so I’m in the grays, and lately I don’t even bother to try, since nobody’s gonna see it.
I disliked Gawker, but I disliked what Peter Thiel did more.
Plus Kinja is forever broken.
Kinja is one of the worst designed platforms, ever.
I comment on AV Club & the Root, but I loathe the interface.
gawking is staring
peering is a quick look
ogling is staring while thinking nawty things
The design aesthetic itself feels like it’s about to fly apart. They are probably trying to convey energy and spontaneity, but is veers into coked-up instability. Am I supposed to not be able to see most of the main title “Gawker?” It feels like it’s meant to make half the readership feel old, and the other half shake their heads at watching olds try to look young. One positive is that I did see a byline for Kelly Conaboy, so I got a quick reminiscence of latter-day Videogum to serve me some warm fuzzies.
Meh, still no Splinter?
Call me when suck.com is back
ETA: You should probably not click on that auto link, I can only imagine where it goes to now